Equipment reservation page

Note: Equipment previously checked out at the Sanford Media Center is now checked out at the Gorgas Circulation Desk.

Equipment listed below can be checked out at the listed library or department on a first-come, first served basis. Some items require online reservation in order to check out. Items can be checked out for 4 hours for library use only, unless otherwise noted.

If you are having issues reserving equipment or an item is unavailable for reservation, please contact the owning library for assistance:

Bruno: 205-348-1086     Gorgas: 205-348-9748     Rodgers: 205-348-2100

Laptops available for 72 hour checkout must first be reserved online through our reservation system. Please see our equipment borrowing policy for details. 

Dell Laptop


Dell Laptops

  • Windows 10 includes Matlab, MS Office, Adobe Creative Suite, etc.
  • Available: Bruno, Gorgas, Rodgers, Hoole Special Collections
MacBook Air Laptop


MacBook Laptops

  • OS X includes MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and iLife (iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, GarageBand)
  • Available: Gorgas Bruno Rodgers (MacBook Air)

ti-83 plus


Available: Bruno, Rogers, Gorgas  3 day

  • Texas Instruments TI-83 PLUS Graphing Calculators
  • Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS 10-Digit Scientific Calculators
  • Casio FX-260 Solar II 10-Digit Scientific Calculators



Available: Bruno, Gorgas, Rodgers

  • Earbuds are available to purchase from the Gorgas 1st floor vending machine, near JavaCity


Phone Chargers

  • Available: Bruno, Gorgas, Rodgers
  • 4-hour Reserve Item
Creality 3D Scanner



  • Available: Gorgas and Rodgers
  • 72 hour checkout


Computer Accessories

Cables available: Bruno, Gorgas, Rodgers

  • 2 Wireless Keyboard: Rodgers
  • 2 Wireless Mouse: Rodgers


Additional Accessories

Whiteboard markers and eraser kits available: Bruno, Gorgas, Rodgers


Audiovisual Equipment Gorgas Circulation Desk

Items must can be checked out at the Gorgas Circulation desk for 72 hours and may not be renewed. Items must be reserved before checking out.







Boom Kits

Boom Kit



Boom Kit


Audio Recorder







Lighting Filters



Green Screen


3D Printers 3D Studio located in Rodgers Library

Stratasys F270

Stratasys F270 Printer

  •  Maximum build size: 12 (w) x 10(h) x 12(d) Supported file types: GrabCAD: STL, OBJ, SLDASM, SLDPR, DWG, DXF, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, and many others Printable formats: CMB Available Print Media: ABS, QSR (soluble support material), GrabCAD Software: 

Located in Gorgas Library & Bruno Libraries

Ultimaker S5 3D Printer

Ultimaker S5

Maximum build size: 13(w) x 9.4(h) x 11.8(d) inches or 33(w) x 24(h) x 30(d) cm, XYZ Resolution: 6.9, 6.9, 2.5 micron, Nozzle diameters: 0.4 mm (Default), 0.25 mm, 0.4 mm, 0.6 mm. 0.8 mm, Layer resolutions: 0.4 mm nozzle: 200 – 20 micron (Default), 0.25 mm nozzle: 150 – 60 micron, 0.6 mm nozzle: 300 – 20 micron, 0.8 mm nozzle: 600 – 20 micron, Supported file types: Ultimaker Cura: STL, OBJ, X3D, 3MF, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, Printable formats: G, GCODE, GCODE.gz, UFP, Available Print Media: ABS, PLA, and PVA, Ultimaker Cura Print Software:

Non-circulation Equipment

Equipment available in the libraries, but not available to check out

Large White Board



Available: Bruno, Gorgas, McLure, Rodgers

Check out marker & eraser kits



Presentation Monitors

Available: Rodgers Library

Check out adapter & remote kits



Whisper Booths

Whisper Booths are sound isolation booths equipped with iMacs with recording software, as well as Yeti microphones, and 88-key keyboards. They are located on the first floor of Gorgas Library and can be reserved for 4-hour time periods, up to two weeks in advance.