Journalist; food writer. Born– November 20, 1920, in Collinsville, Ala. Parents– James Lamar and Marie (Sewell) Appleton. Married– Luther Manship Voltz, July 31, 1943. Children– Two. Married Frank Barnett McKnight, August 6, 1988. Education– University of Montevallo, A.B., 1942; Academie Cordon Bleu, 1960; University of California, Los Angeles, 1970. Correspondent, Birmingham News, 1940-1942; Mobile Press Register, 1942-45; Miami Herald, 1947-1951, food editor, 1951-1960; Los Angeles Times, 1960-1973; Woman’s Day 1973-. Member– Institute of Food Technologist, American Home Economics Association, Food Industry Gourmet Society, Les Dames d’Escoffier. Three awards from Florida Womens’ Press Club for articles in Miami Herald; five awards from American Meat Institute (Vesta Award) for articles and editing of sections of Los Angeles Times. Named Alumnus of the Year, University of Montevallo, 1981. Died January 15, 2002.
Contemporary Authors online; Who’s Who of American Women.
Barbecued Ribs and Other Great Feeds. New York; Knopf, 1985.
Barbecued Ribs, Smoked Butts, and Other Great Feeds. New York; Knopf, 1990.
The California Cookbook. Indianapolis, Ind.; Bobbs-Merrill, 1970.
Community Suppers and Other Glorious Repasts. New York; Scribners, 1987.
Famous Florida Recipes. Miami; Miami Herald, 1954.
The Flavor of the South; Delicacies and Staples of Southern Cuisine. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, 1977.
The Los Angeles Times Natural Foods Cookbook. New York; New American Library, 1975.
Joint Publication(s):
Gifts from a Country Kitchen. New York; Arco, 1984.
How to Turn a Passion for Food into Profit. New York; Rawson, Wade, 1979.
The L.A. Gourmet; Favorite Recipes from Famous Los Angles Restaurants. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, 1971.