
Journalist, writer for children. Born– September 17, 1913, Birmingham. Parents– William C. and Marie (Harrison) Wilson. Married– Richard E. Glendinning. Children– One. Education– Studied at the Sorbonne, 1932; Agnes Scott College, B.A., 1933; Columbia University, B.S.J., 1934. Women’s page editor, Baltimore Evening Sun, 1936-1945; reporter for Herald Tribune in Sarasota, Florida, after 1961. Primarily interested in writing real adventure stories at a first grade vocabulary level. Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Received the Florida School Bell Award in 1963, for reporting on schools.  Died November 17, 1993.


Contemporary Authors Online.


Doll; Bottle-nosed Dolphin. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1980.

Gargantua, the Mighty Gorilla. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1974.

Jimmy and Joe Catch an Elephant. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1969.

Jimmy and Joe Find a Ghost. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1969.

Jimmy and Joe Fly a Kite. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1970.

Jimmy and Joe Get a Hen’s Surprise. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1970.

Jimmy and Joe Go to the Fair. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1971.

Jimmy and Joe Have a Real Thanksgiving. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1974.

Jimmy and Joe Look for a Bear. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1970.

Jimmy and Joe Meet a Halloween Witch. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1971.

Jimmy and Joe Save a Christmas Deer. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1973.

Jimmy and Joe See a Monster. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1972.

Little Blue and Rusty. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1980.

Pen, Emperor Penguin. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1980.

Queen Victoria; English Empress. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1970.

Stubby, Brave Soldier Dog. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1978.

Thomas Gainsborough, Artist of England. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1969.


The Ringling Brothers; Circus Family. Champaign, Ill.; Garrard, 1972.