- The University of Alabama Libraries
- Libraries Procedures and Guidelines
- Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement between The University of Alabama and Shelton State Community College
- Faculty, staff, and students of each institution have reciprocal borrowing privileges. (Students who are dually enrolled or who are in the Bridge Program have privileges at both institutions.)
- Valid identification cards from each institution must be presented when materials are checked out.
- Each library shall provide examples of current valid identification cards.
- Reciprocal borrowing may occur from the general circulating book collection and government documents collections. Some items may not borrowed subject to institutional policies.
- Electronic resources may be used in the library based on the Library’s agreements with vendors. Faculty, staff and students may generally use electronic resources on a walk- n basis at designated computers.
- No more than 5items may be charged to a user’s account at any time.
- Items circulate for the same period as students on the host campus with one renewal.
- Fines are imposed on the same schedule as for the local patron.
- Policies for long overdue books will be based on the lending library’s policies. Borrowers shall be responsible for fines and fees as stipulated by the lending libraries policies.
- The lending library will be responsible for sending overdue notices for books and unpaid fines.
- The lending library has the right to revoke library privileges to those individuals who violate these privileges.
- Faculty, staff, and students of each institution will make use of these privileges directly and will not use inter-library loan procedures, except in unusual circumstances.
- This agreement may be regularly evaluated through inclusion on student opinion surveys and through correspondence between library administrators. Each institution is responsible for its own evaluation procedures.
- This agreement may be publicized to students, faculty, and staff through in-house resources or memos at each institution. In addition, each institution may provide a general information sheet or post information on the website which describes library services and hours. Each institution is responsible for developing its own information sheet or website and making it available to the other institution. Each institution is responsible for making this information available to its own constituency.
- NOTE: This agreement was reviewed, revised, and re-approved in July 2010 by both parties.