
Athlete, entertainer, businessman. Born– September 12, 1913, Danville. Parents– Henry and Emma (Alexander) Owens. Married– Ruth Solomon. Children– Three. Education– Ohio State University, A.B., 1937. Worked as an entertainer, served as WPA official; established a dry cleaning business, and became a salesman, 1937-1940. Employed by the Office of Civil Defense in Philadelphia, 1940-1942; Ford Motor Company, 1942-1946; military service, 1944; director of sport sales and part owner of a Negro baseball club, Portland, Ore., 1942-1956; secretary of the Illinois Athletic Commission, 1952-1955. Operated a public relations and marketing firm in Chicago, later Phoenix, 1955-. Member of the Illinois Youth Commission. In the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, won four medals for 100, 200, 400 meter races and the running broad jump; broke two Olympic records and one world record.


Current Biography, Vol. 80N and Who’s Who in America, 1980.


Track and Field. New York; Atheneum, 1976.


Blackthink; My Life as Black Man and White Man. New York; Morrow, 1970.

I Have Changed. New York; Morrow, 1972.

Jesse, A Spiritual Autobiography. Plainfield, N.J.; Logos International, 1978.

The Jesse Owens Story. New York; Putnam, 1970.

Jesse, the Man Who Outran Hitler. New York; Fawcett Gold Medal, 1978.



Historian; University professor. Born– January 20, 1890, Montgomery. Parents– Lawrence Monroe and Annie Scott (McGehee) Owsley. Married– Harriet Fason Chappell, July 24, 1920. Children– Three. Education– Fifth District Agricultural School in Wetumpka, Ala. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, B.S., 1911; M.A., 1912; University of Chicago, M.A., 1917; Ph.D., 1924. Taught in public schools and API, 1912-1919; Birmingham-Southern College, 1919-1920; Vanderbilt University, 1920-1949; University of Alabama (1949-1954), filling the Hugo Friedman Chair of Southern History, developing a new Ph.D. Program, and heading the Department of History (1952-55).  Fulbright Lecturer at St. John’s College, Cambridge, 1956. Guggenheim Fellow, 1927-28. Contributed articles to many professional journals in history.  An active participant in the Southern Agrarian movement of the 1930’s. Died in England, October 21, 1956.


Contemporary Authors online; Dictionary of American Biography, Suppl. 6 and Who Was Who in America, Vol. 3.


Defeatism in the Confederacy.  Raleigh, NC:  Edwards and Broughton, 1926.

King Cotton Diplomacy. Chicago; University of Chicago Press, 1931.

Plain Folks of the Old South. Baton Rouge, La.; Louisiana State University Press, 1949.

The South, Old and New Frontiers. Athens, Ga.; University of Georgia Press, 1949.

States’ Rights in the Confederacy.  University of Chicago Press, 1925.


Know Alabama. Birmingham, Ala.; Colonial Press, 1961.

A Short History of the American People. 2 vols. New York; D. Van Nostrand, 1945-1948.

The United States from Colony to World Power. New York; D. Van Nostrand, 1949.


I’ll Take My Stand: The South and the Agrarian Tradition, by Twelve Southerners.  New York:  Harper, 1930.

Who Owns America?: A new declaration of independence.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1936.


The papers of Frank Lawrence Owsley are held by the Archives and Special Collections Department of the Jean and Alexander Heard Library at Vanderbilt University, Nashville.



University professor. Born– June 13, 1928, Nashville, Tenn. Parents– Frank L. and Hariett (Chappell) Owsley. Married– 1952. Children– Two. Education– Vanderbilt University, B.A., 1949; M.A., 1951; University of Alabama, Ph.D., 1955. Taught at George Washington University, 1956; U.S. Naval Academy, 1957-1960; Auburn University, 1960-1995; visiting professor at the University of Nebraska, 1967-1968. Awarded the Arthur W. Thompson Memorial Prize, 1968. Member of the Southern and American Historical Associations and the Organization of American Historians. Awarded the status of professor emeritus upon his retirement from Auburn in 1995.


Directory of American Scholars, 1982.


British and Indian Activities in Spanish West Florida During the War of 1812 and 1814. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1969.

The C.S.S. Florida; Her Building and Operations. Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania, 1965.

The South; Old and New Frontiers. Athens, Ga.; University of Georgia Press, 1969.

Struggle for the Gulf Borderlands; the Creek War and the Battle of New Orleans, 1812-1815. Gainesville, Fla.; University of Florida Press, 1981.


Know Alabama. Montgomery, Ala.; Viewpoint Pub., 1970.


The Life of Andrew Jackson. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press,


Editor; archivist.  Born July 26, 1901, Waco, Texas.  Parents– Charles Arthur and Clementine Fason Chappell.  Married–Frank Lawrence Owsley, July 24, 1920.  Children–two.  Education– Birmingham-Southern College, 1919-20; Vanderbilt University, 1921-23; George Peabody College for Teachers, B.S., 1925.  Worked with her husband, Dr. Frank Lawrence Owsley, editing his historical work.  Director of Manuscript Section, Tennessee State Library and Archives, 1958-70.  Member Society of American Archivists, Southern Historical Association.  Died July 2, 1999.


Contemporary Authors online.

Frank Lawrence Owsley,  Historian of the Old South: A Memoir.  University of Virginia Press, 1990.


King Cotton Diplomacy.  2nd edition.  University of Chicago Press, 1959.

The South, Old and New Frontiers:  Essays of Frank Lawrence Owsley.  University of Georgia Press, 1967.


The Papers of Andrew Jackson.  University of  Tennessee Press, 1978.


A collection of the papers of Harriet Chappell Owsley is helf by the Archives and Special Collections Department of the Jean and Alexander Heard Library at Vanderbilt University.



Writer; university professor. Born– May 2, 1925, Washington, D.C. Parents– Rep. George and Bertha (Baxley) Huddleston. Married– Herbert L. Packer, March 15, 1958. Children– Two. Education– Birmingham-Southern College, A.B., 1945; University of Chicago, M.A., 1947; Stanford University, 1959-1960. Employed as a staff writer by the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, 1952-1954. Taught at Stanford University, 1968-1993; Director of the Creative Writing Program at Stanford, 1988-1993.  Published short stories in various periodicals and anthologies. Member of the American Association of University Professors.  Received the Dinkelspiel Award and the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching at Stanford.  Received the Richard W. Lyman Award for faculty volunteer service in 2000. Awarded Professor Emeritus status at Stanford, 1993.


Contemporary Authors online.


In My Father’s House; Tales of an Unconformable Man. Santa Barbara, Calif.; J. Daniel, 1988.

Jealous-Hearted Me and Other Stories.  Daniel, 1997.

Old Ladies; Stories.  Daniel, 2012.

Small Moments and Other Stories. Urbana, Ill.; University of Illinois Press, 1976.

The Women Who Walk. Baton Rouge, La.; Louisiana State University Press, 1989.


The Short Story; an Introduction. New York; McGraw-Hill, 1976.

Writing Worth Reading; a Practical Guide. New York; St. Martin’s, 1986.

Writing Worth Reading; The Critical Response.  Boston; Bedford, 1997.



Professional baseball player. Born– July 7, 1906, Mobile. Played baseball with the Chattanooga Black Lookouts (1927?), Birmingham Black Barons, New Orleans Black Pelicans, Pittsburgh Crawford Giants until 1948; winter ball in Latin America, 1935-1941. Signed with the Cleveland Indians, 1948; Kansas City Monarchs, 1950; St. Louis Browns, 1951. Voted most valuable relief pitcher for the Browns in 1951, 1952, and 1953. Statistics; won 23 games, last 4 in 1933; pitched 29 games in 29 days, 1934; winning streaks of 21 games and 62 scoreless innings. Named to Baseball Hall of Fame, 1971, Nickname for shoe size (14), “Satchel Foot”, shortened to “Satch”.  Died June 8, 1982.


Webster’s American Biographies, Current Biography 1952 and 1982; and Reader’s Digest, June, 1949.


Pitchin’ Man. Cleveland s.n., 1948.


Maybe I’ll Pitch Forever. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, 1962.



University professor, college president. Born– May 19, 1860, Snow Hill. Parents– Dabney and Martha A. (Simpson) Palmer. Married– Lulu Ranier, December 22, 1886. Children– Five. Education– Howard College (then located in Marion), 1877-1878; University of Alabama, A.M., 1881; B.E., 1882. Taught math at the University of Alabama, 1881-1907; served as dean of academic faculty, 1905-1907.  President of the Alabama Girls Industrial School (Montevallo), 1907-1926. Led in the expansion of the curriculum at the School to include teacher training,  home economics, and social work; under his leadership the school awarded its first degree (1922) and was accredited (1926).  Member and chairman of State Textbook Commission (1913-1918) and the State Board of Vocational Education (1917-1919); president of the Alabama Education Association, 1920-1921. Awarded LL. D. degree by the University of Chicago, 1906.  Thomas Waverly Palmer Hall on the University of Montevallo campus was named in his honor. Died January 7, 1926.


National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, Vol. 20 and Who Was Who in America, Vol. 1.


A Register of the Officers and Students of the University of Alabama, 1831-1901. Tuscaloosa, Ala.; The University Press, 1901.


A collection of papers related to Thomas Waverly Palmer’s research for _A Register of the Officers and Students of the University of Alabama_ is held by Hoole Special Collections at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.



Attorney, insurance executive. Born– February 25, 1891, Tuscaloosa. Parents– Thomas Waverly and Lula (Ranier) Palmer. Married– Marguerite Ellen Meehan, July 2, 1919, in Chiquicamata, Chile. Children– Six. Education– Marion Institute; University of Alabama, B.A., 1910; Harvard University, LL.B., 1913; Sheldon Travelling Fellowship for legal research and study at the Universidad Central in Madrid. Admitted to the Alabama Bar in 1913 and practiced in Birmingham until 1917. Served with the Alabama National Guard, Mexican Border Service, 1918; attorney for the Chile Exploration Company and U.S. Consular agent in Chiquicamata, 1919-1921; attorney, Standard Oil Company, 1927-1929. During World War II, counsel of the Petroleum Supply Committee for Latin America; director of the Creole Oil Company in Venezuela; president and director of the Ancon Insurance Company and director of the Balboa Insurance Company.


Current Biography, 1949.


Gringo Lawyer. Gainesville, Fla.; University of Florida Press, 1956.

Guide to the Law and Legal Literature of Spain. Washington, D.C.; Government Printing Office, 1915.


United States Relations With Latin America. New York; National Foreign-Trade Council, 1940.



Historian, university professor, college president. Born– September 10, 1910, Durham, N.C. Parents– Alexander Henry and Anne Roche (Thomas) Gary. Married– Henry Clifton Pannell, September 2, 1936 (died 1946); married George A. Taylor. Children– Two. Education– Barnard College, B.A., 1931; Ph.D., Oxford University, 1935. Taught at Alabama College, 1934-1935; University of Alabama, 1939-1949; Academic Dean, Goucher College, 1949-1950; president of Sweet Briar College, 1950-1971; led the college in the expansion of its enrollment and physical plant. Member of the American, Southern, and Alabama Historical Associations, and Phi Beta Kappa. Served as president of the Southern Association of Virginia Colleges and the American Association of University Women (1967-71); vice president of the American Council on Education. Awarded an International Fellowship at Barnard; elected to an Oxford place at the Institute of Historical Research at London University (1932-33). Honorary doctorates from University of Alabama, 1952, and several other institutions. The Sweet Briar College Art Gallery, dedicated in 1985, is named in her honor. Awarded the status of president emeritus on her retirement, 1971. Died February 18, 1984.


Current Biography, 1950, Leaders in Education, 1974; Contemporary Authors online; Obituary, New York Times, 23 February 1984.

Diamonstein, Barbarlee.  Open Secrets; Ninety-four Women in Touch with Our Time.  New York; Viking Press, 1972.


Canada, Our Northern Neighbor. Washington, D.C.; American Association of University Women, 1951.

The Political and Economic Relations of English and American Quakers.  Clarendon Press, 1935.


Julia S. Tutwiler and Social Progress in Alabama. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1961.



Teacher, administrator, university professor. Born– July 24, 1897, Elmore County. Parents– William Henry and Emma Jeannette (Hodnet) Pannell. Married– Anne Thomas Gary, September 2, 1936. Children– Two. Education– Jacksonville State Normal College, 1915-1918; University of Alabama, B,A., 1922; A.M., 1925; Teachers College of Columbia University, Ph.D., 1933. Taught in elementary schools of Macon and Elmore Counties, 1918-1929; principal of Montgomery County Junior High School, 1922-1924; principal of Normal High School in Jacksonville, 1925-1927; supervisor of teacher training at the University of Alabama, 1928-1935; professor, 1935-1943; Superintendent of Tuscaloosa City Schools, 1943; elected State Superintendent of Education of Alabama, 1946.  Died May 26, 1946.


Who Was Who in America, Vol. 2.


The Preparation and Work of Alabama High School Teachers. New York; Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1933.


School Administrative Problems in Suburban Municipalities. University, Ala.; Bureau of Educational Research, College of Education, University of Alabama, 1946.

The World at Work. Auburn, Ala.; Prather Publishing Co., 1935.


The Hoole Special Collections Library at the University of Alabama holds the papers of Henry Clifton Pannell.



Teacher; publishers’ agent; elected official. Born– January 13, 1843, LaGrange, Ga. Parents– John (founder of LaGrange College) and Sarah (Neary) Park. Married– Stella Swanson; Married– Ella H. Holt (died 1890)– Two children; Married– Emily Hendree Stewart, April 27, 1892.   Education– Attended Greenville Academy and Brownwood Institute in LaGrange; Emory University and Alabama A & M College (Auburn). Served as a captain in the 12th Alabama Regiment, C.S.A.; wounded and captured, September 19, 1864. Taught at Tuskegee High School; principal of the Lucas Institute at Mt. Meigs; principal of La Grange High School. Moved to Macon, Georgia, in 1872, and worked as agent for a publishing firm; elected Georgia State Treasurer in 1900 and served until his death in 1909.   Member State Agricultural Society, Masons, and other civic organizations.  Trustee of Emory College and Wesleyan Female College, Macon.  Awarded honorary degrees by both Emory and Auburn.  Died May 7, 1909.


Loyless, Thomas W. Georgia Public Men, 1902-04.  Atlanta; Byrd Printing Co., 1902.

Northen, William J.  Men of Mark in Georgia.  Atlanta:  A.B. Caldwell, 1907-1912.

Owen’s Dictionary of Alabama Biography.


Twelfth Alabama Regiment. Richmond, Va.; William Ellis Jones, 1906.


Correspondence and business papers of Robert Emory Park are included in the Lemuel Madison Park Papers held by the Emory University Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. [Lemuel Park was a brother of Robert Emory Park.]



Teacher, writer, researcher. Born– June 3, 1929, Decatur, Ala. Parents– Charles and Jane (Meadows) Persinger. Education– Berea College, B.A., 1950; George Peabody College, M.A., 1956. Married– Franklin Parker, June 12, 1950. Taught English at Ferrum College, 1950-1952; Belmont College, 1955-1956; Walkill School (N.Y.), 1956-1957; reading instructor at the University of Texas at Austin, 1963-1964.  Worked with her husband on his research; with her husband gave lectures and slide presentations to civic and academic groups.  Member League of Women Voters and American Association of University Women.


Contemporary Authors online.

Looking Back; 60 Years of a Great Life. bfparker@frontiernet.net


Education in England and Wales:  An Annotated Bibliography.  Garland, 1991.

Education in Puerto Rico amd of Puerto Ricans in the United States; Abstracts of American Doctoral Dissertations. San Juan, P.R.; Inter American University Press, 1976.

U.S. Higher Education; A Guide to Information Sources.  Gale, 1980.

Women’s Education, a World View. Westport; Greenwood Press, 1979.


American Dissertations on Foreign Education;  A Bibliography With Annotations. Vols. I-XX.   Troy, N.Y.; Whitson Pub., 1971-.

Education in the People’s Republic of China, Past and Present:  An Annotated Bibliography.  Garland, 1986.


Born– Montgomery, AL.  Education–attended high school and college in Montgomery.


Prattville, Alabama: A Brief History of the Fountain City.  History Press, 2012.


Writer.  Born– Montgomery, AL.  Education– attended high school and college in Montgomery.  Publisher and writer for Smashing Interviews magazine.


Prattville, Alabama: A Brief history of the Fountain City.  History Press, 2012.



Professor, university administrator. Born– December 22, 1901, in Monroe, N.C. Parents– Benjamin Franklin and Sarah Della (Cox) Parker. Married– Carolyn Adele Edwards, July 3, 1926; children–three. Education– University of North Carolina, A.B., 1923; A.M., 1924; Princeton University, 1926-1927; Brown University, Ph.D., 1931. Taught at the University of the South, 1924-1925; University of North Carolina, 1925-1931; Princeton University, 1926-1927; Mississippi Woman’s College (now William Cary College), 1931-1934; Georgia Institute of Technology, 1934-1936; Louisiana State University, 1936-1947; University of Georgia, 1947-1950; Auburn University, 1950-1953; Graduate Dean at Auburn, 1953-1972. Published over thirty papers in mathematical journals. Member of the Mathematics Association of America and other professional organizations; helped organize the Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics. The mathematics building at Auburn was named Parker Hall in his honor by the Auburn Board of Trustees.  Died November 25, 1987.


Battle, Anne Parker, William Vann Parker, Alabama Journal of Mathematics, XIV (1990), 7-10.

Who’s Who in America, 1976-1977


Matrices. New York; Ronald Press, 1960.


The Department of Special Collections and Archives at the Ralph Brown Draughon Library at Auburn University holds a collection of William Vann Parker’s papers.



Historian; university professor. Born– December 16, 1903, Mulberry, Tenn. Parents– Benjamin N. and Minnie (Taylor) Parks. Married– Alliene Templeton, July 25, 1931. Children– One. Education– Middle Tennessee State College, B.S., 1927; University of Alabama, M.A., 1930; University of California at Berkeley, 1932; University of Michigan, 1933; Ohio State University, Ph.D, 1937. Taught at the University of Tennessee, 1934-1938; Memphis State College, 1938-1943; Birmingham Southern College, 1943-1958; University of Georgia, 1958-1971; University of Georgia Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor, 1967-1971; University of Alabama at Birmingham,1971-74. Member of the American, Southern, and Mississippi Historical Associations, Organization of American Historians, and Phi Beta Kappa. Winner of the 1956 Charles S. Sydnor Award given by the Southern Historical Association for a distinguished book in Southern History; winner of the McClung Award from the East Tennessee Historical Society for articles on Tennessee history, 1942, 44.  Died December 4, 1992.


Who’s Who in America, 1978, Directory of American Scholars, 1982 and Contemporary Authors online.


Felix Grundy. Baton Rouge, La.; Louisiana State University Press, 1940.

General Edmund Kirby Smith, C.S.A.  LSU Press, 1954.

General Leonidas Polk, C.S.A.; the Fighting Bishop. Baton Rouge, La.; Louisiana State University Press, 1962.

Joseph E. Brown of Georgia. Baton Rouge, La.; Louisiana State University Press. 1977.


Birmingham Southern College, 1856-1956. Nashville; Parthenon Press, 1957.

John Bell of Tennessee. Baton Rouge, La.; Louisiana State University Press, 1950.

The Story of Alabama. Atlanta, Ga.; T. E. Smith, 1952.

The Story of Tennessee. Oklahoma City, Okla.; Harlow Publishing Co., 1952.

PARR, JOHNSTONE, 1911-1991


University professor. Born– May 5, 1911, Washington, D.C. Married– 1935. Children– Four. Education– University of Alabama A.B., 1935; A.M., 1936; Vanderbilt University, Ph.D., 1941. Taught at the University of Alabama, 1938-1939, and 1941-1962; Kent State University, 1962-1978. Member of the Modern Language Association and the Shakespeare Association of America.  Died May 30, 1991.


Directory of American Scholars, 7th Edition.


Basic Bibliographies and Aids for Research in English Studies. Tuscaloosa, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1953.

Tamburlaine’s Malady, and Other Essays on Astrology in Elizabethan Drama. Tuscaloosa, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1953.



Historian; University professor. Born– August 25, 1899, Pelham, Tenn. Parents– James Carter and Melvina (Henley) Partin. Married– Sidnah McDonald Sherard, August 4, 1930. Education– Middle Tennessee State College, B.S.; 1927, M.A.; George Peabody College for Teachers, 1928; Ph.D., 1935; Columbia University, 1932. Taught at the Darlington School in Rome, Ga., 1927-1928; Peabody College, 1928-1929; Selma High School, 1929-1937; Alabama Polytechnic Institute (Auburn), 1937-1970. Served as president Auburn Faculty Forum, 1945-1946. Member of the Southern, Alabama, and Tennessee Historical Associations, Phi Kappa Phi, and Phi Alpha Theta. Died April 1980.


Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, 1971-1972.


Lee County Jokes 100 Years Ago; a Case Study in Reconstruction Humor in Alabama. Loachapoka, Ala.; Lee County (Ala.) Historical Society, 1973.

The Secession Movement in Tennessee. Nashville; George Peabody College for Teachers, 1935.

Map; Town of Edenton, N.C., Corporate Limits. Edenton; s.n., 1979.


A collection of the papers of Robert Love Partin is held by the Special Collections Department of the Ralph Brown Draughon Library at Auburn University.



Latner, Claudia Patrick Wallace


Writer; professor of journalism and creative writing.  Born–September 28, 1936, Montgomery.  Parents–Julius Porter and Emily (Hillman) Paterson. Married– Charles William Jones.  Children–two.  Education:  Hollins College, Roanoke, Va., 1958; Auburn University, M.A., 1972; Ph. D., 1975. Taught at Auburn University at Montgomery, 1972-1981; at the School of Journalism at the University of Maryland, College Park, 1984-2005; creative writing instructor at CALL–“Career, Certificates, and Life Planning”–at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  Wrote and produced “The Writer’s Tale,” a program of interviews with writers, 2001-2005, at the University of Maryland.  Free-lance writer; published many articles and essays.


Encyclopedia of Alabama

Sweet Mystery.


Be Somebody:  A Biography of Marguerite Rewalt. 1986.

Sweet Mystery: A Book of Remembering.  Tuscaloosa:  University of Alabama Press, 1996.

Thomas More.  Boston:  Twayne, 1979.


Philip Roth.  New York: Ungar, 1981.

PATRICK, LUTHER, 1891-1957


Attorney, congressman, radio commentator. Born– January 23, 1891, Morgan County. Parents– Frank R. and Nancy Lucretia (Cobbs) Patrick. Education– Attended the University of Alabama, Purdue University, and Louisiana State University (electrical engineering); University of Alabama Law School, 1918. Served in U.S. Army, 1919. Admitted to the Alabama Bar in 1919. Served as city attorney for Fairfield, 1920-1922; assistant attorney general of Alabama, 1929-1931; assistant U.S. attorney, Northern District of Alabama, 1934-1937; U.S. Congressman from the Ninth District of Alabama, 1937-1943 and 1945-1947; radio commentator in Birmingham (WAPI and WBRC), 1925-1937. Member of the law firm of Patrick and Newman. Died May 26, 1957.


Biographical Directory of the United States Congress.

Owen’s Story of Alabama, Vol. 40.


Friends, Neighbors, Kinfolks. Prairie City, Ill.; 1946.

Goosepocket. Birmingham, Ala.; Vulcan Press, 1915.

Hope Ye’re Livin’ and Doin’ Well. Birmingham, Ala.; A. H. Cather Co., 1931.


A collection of the papers of Luther Patrick is held by the Ralph Draughon Library at Auburn University.



University professor; literary scholar. Born– September 9, 1909, Collins, Miss. Parents– John R. and Annie Elizabeth (Welch) Patrick. Married– Miriam Morris Farriday, August 28, 1937. Education– Mississippi State University, B.S., 1933; Louisiana State University, M.A., 1934; Ph.D., 1937; Ford Foundation Fellowship at Columbia University, 1953-1954. Taught at Louisiana State; professor and department head at Alabama Polytechnic Institute (Auburn), 1947-1978. Served in the U.S. Army, 1942-1946; attained rank of Lt. Col.. Died June 14, 1986.


Who’s Who in Alabama, Vol. 3.


From Texas to Teisnach with the 457 AAA Aw Batallion. S.l.; A. Humblot, 1945.

Ring Lardner. New York; Twayne, 1963.


Southern Literary Culture. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1955.


American Short Stories, 1820 to the Present. Chicago; Scott, Foresman, 1964.

Realism and Romanticism in Fiction; an Approach to the Novel. Chicago; Scott, Foresman.

Short Stories of the Western World. Glenview, Ill.; Scott, Foresman, 1969.

What is the Short Story; Case Studies in the Development of a Literary, Form. Chicago; Scott, Foresman, 1961.


A collection of the papers of Walton R. Patrick is held in the Special Collections Department of the Ralph Brown Draughon Library at Auburn University.



Novelist; attorney. Born– February 2, 1947, Berkeley, Calif. Parents– Richard W. and Marjorie Frances (North) Patterson. Married– Judith Anne Riggs, January 12, 1974. Children– Two. Education– Ohio Wesleyan University, B.A., 1968; Case-Western Reserve University, J.D., 1971; creative writing classes at the University of Alabama. Admitted to Ohio Bar, 1971, Washington, D.C., 1973, and Alabama; practiced law in Birmingham, 1975-1978; attorney for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1973-1975; attorney in San Francisco, 1978-93.  Member of advocacy groups concerned with gun violence, reproductive rights, and political reform.  Received Edgar Allan Poe Award for best first mystery novel, 1979; Grand Prix de Litterature Policiere, 1995; Distinguished Alumni, Case Western Reserve University, 1997; Man of the Year, WWRAP, 2001; Maggie Award, Planned Parenthood, 2001; Distinguished Achievement Award, Ohio Wesleyan University, 2008; Silver Bullet Award from the International Thriller Writers Association, 2012.


Contemporary Authors online; Richard North Patterson website


Balance of Power.  Ballantine, 2003.

Caroline Masters.  Ballantine, 2000.

Conviction.  Random House, 2005.

Dark Lady.  Ballantine, 2000.

Degree of Guilt. New York; Knopf, 1993.

The Devil’s Light.  Scribner, 2011.

Eden in Winter, 2014.

Escape the Night. New York; Random, 1983.

Eclipse.  Henry Holt, 2009

Exile.  Henry Holt, 2007.

Eyes of a Child.  Knopf, 1995.

Fall from Grace.  Scribner, 2010.

The Final Judgment.  Knopf,  1996.

In the Name of Honor.  Henry Holt, 2010.

Lasko Tangent. New York; Norton, 1979.

Loss of Innocence, 2013.

No Safe Place.  Knopf, 1998.

Outside Man. Boston; Little, Brown, 1981.

Private Screening. New York; Villard Books, 1985.

Protect and Defend.  Knopf, 2000.

The Race.  Henry Holt, 2007.

Silent Witness.  Knopf, 1996.

The Spire.  Henry Holt, 2009.


The papers of Richard North Patterson are held by Boston University.



Literary scholar; University professor. Born– July 17, 1925, Florence, Ala. Parents– Isham Harrison and Clara (Singleton) Patty. Education– University of North Carolina, A.B., 1945; M.A., 1947; Ph.D. Taught at the University of Colorado, 1953-1954; University of Tennessee, 1954-1960; Washington and Lee University, 1960-1964; Vanderbilt University, 1964-1988. Fulbright Scholarship to the University of Toulouse, 1951-1952. Helped found the W. T. Bandy Center for Beaudelaire and Modern French Studies at Vanderbilt. Published widely in scholarly journals.   Awarded emeritus status on his retirement at Vanderbilt in 1988. Died August 25, 2012.


Contemporary Authors online; obituary.


Electre; Piece en Deux Actes. New York; Appleton, 1965.


Beaudelaire and the Politics of Modernity.  Vanderbilt, 2001.

Etudes Baudelairiennes III; Hommage W. T. Bandy. Neuchatel; Baconniere, 1973.



Former nun, university professor. Born– November 30, 1930, Married– Robert G. Haagens, December 28, 1972. Married– David G. Paxton, December 27, 1978. Children– One. Education– St. Mary’s College of Notre Dame, B.S., 1957; University of Notre Dame, Ph.D., 1964; graduate fellowship from the National Science Foundation, 1962-1963; postdoctoral fellowship from the Worchester Foundation, 1964. Entered the Congregation of Sisters of Holy Cross in 1949; took vows in 1952; released from vows in 1970. Taught at St. Mary’s College, 1965-1968; Harvard University, School of Public Health, 1968-1971; Massachusetts General Hospital, 1971-1973; Rhode Island College, 1973-1978; Jacksonville State University, 1981-.


Contemporary Authors, Vol. 109.


Endocrinology; Biological and Medical Perspectives. Dubuque, Iowa; C. Brown Co., 1986.

The Female Body in Control. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall, 1981.


Biological and Medical Aspects of Conception. Notre Dame, Ind.; Notre Dame University Press, 1970.



Literary scholar; university professor. Born– July 12, 1873, Auburn. Parents– Leonidas Warren and Mary Jane (Foster) Payne. Married– Mary Susan Bledsoe, 1897. Children– Four. Education– Alabama Polytechnic Institute, B.S., 1892; M.S., 1893; University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D., 1904. Taught at the Southwestern Alabama Agricultural School in Evergreen, 1894-1901; Jacksonville State Normal School, 1901-1902; Harrison Fellow in English at the University of Pennsylvania, 1902-1904. Associate editor of Worchester’s Dictionary, 1904-1906. Taught at Louisiana State University, 1906; University of Texas, 1906-1943. Co-founder and first president of the Texas Folklore Society, 1910.  Editor of the first anthology of Texas literature–A Survey of Texas Literature.  Friend and associate of many important American writers, including Carl Sandburg, e.e.Cummings, and Edwin Arlington Robinson.  Died June 16, 1945.


Who Was Who in America, Vol. 2 and Who’s Who of North American Authors.


History of American Literature. Chicago; Rand, McNally & Co., 1918.

A Survey of Texas Literature. New York; Rand, McNally & Co., 1928.


Using Our Language. Chicago; Wheeler Pub.Co., 1935.


Learn to Spell; a High-School Book. New York; Rand, McNally & Co., 1916.

A Word-List from East Alabama. Austin, Tex.; s.n., 1909.


American Literary Readings. Chicago; Rand, McNally, 1917.

The Hector of Germanie; or, The Palsgrave Prime Elector. Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania, 1906.

Selections from American Literature. Chicago; Rand, McNally & Co., 1919-1926.

Selections from English Literature. New York; Rand, McNally & Co., 1919.

Southern Literary Readings. New York; Rand, McNally & Co., 1913.


Enjoying Literature. 4 vols. New York; Rand, McNally, 1936.

Literature for the Junior High School. New York; Rand, McNally, 1929.

Texas Poems. Dallas, Tex.; Dealey & Lowe, 1936.



Author; translator; journalist, university professor. Born– December 4, 1911, Saltash, Cornwall, England. Parents– Stephen and Mireille Antoinette (Dorey) Payne. Came to the U.S., 1946; naturalized U.S. citizen, 1953. Married Rose Hsiung, 1942; married Sheila Lalwani, 1982.  Education– Attended Diocesan College, Rondebosch, South Africa, 1929-1930; University of Capetown, 1931-1932; University of Liverpool, 1933-1936; University of Munich, 1937; the Sorbonne, University of Paris, 1938.  Shipwright’s apprentice, 1932-1933; war correspondent in Spain, 1938; armament officer at Singapore Naval Base, 1939-1941; British Ministry of Information, Chunking, China, 1941-1942; war correspondent for the London Times, in Changsha, China. Taught at Fuhtan University, 1942-1943; Lienta University, 1943-1946; Alabama College at Montevallo (Head of English Department), 1949-1954. Founding director, Columbia University Translation Center.  Wrote under several pseudonyms; Richard Cargoe, John Anthony Devon, Howard Horne, Valentin Tikhonov, and Robert Young. Honorary M.A., Asia Institute, New York, 1946; Gold Medal for Excellence in translation, Columbia University Translation Center, 1986.  Died February 18, 1983.


Contemporary Authors online; Wikipedia; Alabama Librarian, vol. 3..


Alexander the God. New York; Norton, 1964.

Ancient Greece; the Triumph of a Culture. New York; 1964.

The Barbarian and the Geisha. Barcelona; Pan Books, 1958.

The Bear Coughs at the North Pole. New York; Dodd, 1947.

Blood Royal. New York; Prencice-Hall, 1952.

The Blue Nigger, and Other Stories. London; Grey Walls Press, 1947.

By Me, William Shakespeare. New York; Everest House, 1980.

The Canal Builders; the story of Canal Engineers Through the Ages. New York; Macmillan, 1959.

Caravaggio; a Novel. Boston; Little, Brown, 1968.

Chiang Kai-shek. New York; Weybright & Talley, 1969.

The Chieftain, a Story of the Nez Perce People. New York; Prentice-Hall, 1953.

China Awake. New York; Dodd, 1947.

The Chinese Diaries, 1941-1946. New York; Weybright & Talley, 1970.

The Chinese Soldier, and Other Stories. London; s.n., 1945.

The Christian Centuries from Christ to Dante. New York; Norton, 1966.

Chunking Diary. London; Heinemann, 1945.

Concord Bridge. Indianapolis, Ind.; Bobbs-Merrill, 1952.

The Corrupt Society; from Ancient Greece to Present-day America. New York; Praeger, 1975.

David and Anna. New York; Dodd, 1947.

The Deluge. New York; Twayne, 1954.

Dostoyevsky; a Human Portrait. New York; Knopf, 1961.

The Dream and the Tomb; a History of the Crusades. New York; Stein & Day, 1984.

La Espade del Islam. Barcelona; Caralt, 1977.

Eyewitness; a Personal Account of a Tumultuous Decade, 1937-1946. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, 1972.

The Fathers of the Western Church. New York; Viking, 1951.

Forever China. New York; Dodd, 1945.

The Fortress. New York; Simon and Schuster, 1967.

Gershwin. New York; Pyramid Books, 1960.

The Gold of Troy; the Story of Heinrich Schliemann and the Buried Cities of Ancient Greece. London; Scientific Book Club, 1958.

The Granite Island, and Other Poems. London; Jonathan Cape, 1945.

The Great Garbo. New York; Praeger, 1976.

The Great God Pan; a Biography of the Tramp Played by Charles Chaplin. New York; Heritage House, 1952.

The Great Man; a Portrait of Winston Churchill. New York; Coward, 1974.

The Holy Fire; the Story of the Fathers of the Eastern Church. New York; Harper, 1958.

The Holy Sword; the Story of Islam from Muhammad to the Present. London; A. Deutsch, 1961.

The Horizon Book of Ancient Rome. New York; American Heritage Press, 1966.

A House in Peking. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, 1956.

The Island; the Story of the Fortunes and Vicissitudes and Triumphs of the Island Once Known as Manchonake…Now Known as Gardiner’s Island… New York; Harcourt, 1958.

The Isles of Greece. New York; Simon and Schuster, 1964.

Journey to Persia. London; Heinemann, 1951.

Journey to Red China. London; Heinemann, 1947.

Lawrence of Arabia, a Triumph. New York; Pyramid Books 1962.

Leonardo. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, 1978.

The Life and Death of Adolph Hitler. New York; Praeger, 1973.

The Life and Death of Lenin. New York; Simon & Schuster, 1964.

The Life and Death of Mahatma Gandhi. New York; Dutton, 1969.

The Life and Death of Trotsky. New York; McGraw-Hill, 1977.

The Lion Roars. London; Heinemann, 1949.

The Lord Jesus. New York; Abelard, 1964.

Lost Treasures of the Mediterranean World. New York; Thomas Nelson, 1962.

Love and Peace. London; Heinemann, 1945.

Maharajah. Cleveland, Ohio; World, 1951.

Mao Tse-tung Ruler of Red China. New York; Schuman, 1950.

The Marshall Story; a Biography of General George C. Marshall. New York; Prentice-Hall, 1951.

Marx. New York; Simon and Schuster, 1968.

Massacre. New York; Macmillan, 1973.

Mexico City. New York; Harcourt, 1968.

The Mountain and the Stars. Boston; Little, Brown, 1938.

O Western Wind. New York; Putnam, 1957.

Peking Elegies. New York; Blue Dolphin Press, 1978.

A Rage for China. New York; Holt, 1977.

Red Lion Inn. New York; Prentice-Hall, 1951.

Red Storm Over Asia. New York; Macmillan, 1951.

Report on America. New York; Day, 1949.

The Revolt of Asia. London; Day, 1948.

The Rise and Fall of Stalin. New York; Simon and Schuster, 1965.

The Roaring Boys. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, 1955.

The Roman Triumph. New York; Abelard, 1963.

The Rose Tree. New York; Dodd, 1947.

The Shepherd. New York; Horizon, 1959.

Singapore River. London; Heinemann, 1942.

Song of the Peasant. London; Heinemann, 1939.

The Splendor of France. New York; Harper, 1963.

The Splendor of Greece. New York; Harper, 1960.

The Splendor of Israel. New York; Harper, 1963.

The Splendor of Persia. New York; Knopf, 1957.

The Splendor of the Holy Land; Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon. New York; Harper, 1976.

The Splendors of Asia; India, Thailand, Japan. New York. Viking, 1965.

Sun, Stones and Silence. New York; Simon and Schuster, 1963.

Sun Yat-sen, a Portrait. New York; Day, 1946.

The Terrorists; the Story of the Forerunners of Stalin. New York; Funk, 1957.

The Three Worlds of Albert Schweitzer. New York; Thomas Nelson, 1957.

The Three Worlds of Boris Pasternak. New York; Coward, 1961.

The Tormentors. New York; Sloane, 1950.

Torrents of Spring. New York; Dodd, 1946.

The Tortured and the Damned; a Novel. New York; Horizon Press, 1977.

The Wanton Nymph. London; Heinemann, 1951.

War in the Marshes. London; Faber, 1938.

The White Rajahs of Sarawak. New York; Funk, 1960.

The World of Art. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, 1972.

The Yellow Robe; a Novel of the Life of Buddha. New York; Dodd, 1948.

A Young Emperor, a Novel. New York; Macmillan, 1950.

A Young Man Looks at Europe. London; Heinemann, 1938.

Zero, the Story of Terrorism. New York; Day, 1950.


Ivan the Terrible. New York; Crowell, 1975.

The Splendor of Byzantum. New York; Viking, 1967.


Contemporary Chinese Poetry; an Anthology. London; Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1947.

Contemporary Chinese Short Stories. New York; N. Carrington, 1946.

The Unknown World of Karl Marx. New York; New York University Press, 1971.

The White Pony; an Anthology of Chinese Poetry from the Earliest Time to the Present Day. New York; Day, 1947.


The Civil War in Spain, 1936-1939. New York; Putnam, 1962.


Boris Pasternak; the Collected Prose Works. London; Drummond, 1945.

New York; Chinese Earth. London; Allen & Unwin, 1948.

New York; Envy. London; Hogarth Press, 1936.

Fear and Trembling; a Dialectial Lyric. London; Oxford University Press, 1939.

The Image of Chekhov; 40 Stories in the Order in Which They Were Written. New York; Knopf, 1963.

Love and Other Stories. New York; Washington Square Press, 1967.

A Portrait of Andre Malraux. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice Hall, 1970.


The papers of Pierre Stephen Robert Payne are held by the Online Archive of California.



Baptist minister. Born– July 29, 1911, Woodstock, Ga. Parents– William D. and Laura Payne.  Married– Ruby Farmer. Children– One. Education– Mercer University, Columbia Bible College in Columbia, S.C. Pastor in Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama.  Died December 1975.


Sheens in the Shadows.


Sheens in the Shadows; Poetry. Birmingham, Ala.; Birmingham Printing Co., 1950.



College teacher. Born– May 16, 1924, Birmingham. Parents– Hugh Stanford and Minnie Louise (Hardy) Peak. Married– Joyce Carter, May 14, 1949. Children– One. Education– Alabama Polytechnic Institute, B.S., 1948; University of Alabama, M.B.A., 1969; Ph.D., 1984. Taught at Jefferson State Junior College, serving as chairman of the Marketing and Distribution Department, 1970-89. Died May 25, 1989.


Supermarket Merchandising and Management, and Mr. Hugh S. Peak, Oneonta.


Supermarket Merchandising and Management. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice-Hall, 1977.



Anthropologist; university professor. Born– April 27, 1923, Brooklyn, N.Y. Parents– George Martin and Anna Laura (White) Pearsall. Education– University of New Mexico, B.A., 1944; University of California at Berkeley, Ph.D., 1950. Taught at the University of Arkansas, 1950; research fellow at Rhodes Livingstone Institute, British Central Africa, 1951; University of Alabama, 1952-1956; post doctoral social science resident, Russell Sage Foundation, 1956-1958; rural sociologist at the University of Kentucky, 1958-1964; professor at the University of Kentucky Medical Center, 1964-1983.  Member of many professional organizations, including the American Anthropological Association, the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Society for Medical Anthropology.  Consultant to many organizations, including the Frontier Nursing Service and the Hunter Foundation for Health Care.  Editor of Human Organization, 1966-83. An authority on the rural South and on the development of health care systems.  Died June 15, 1984.


Who’s Who in America, 1982-1983; Obituary by Robert Straus, American Anthropology, vol. 88 (2).


Klamath Childhood and Education. Berkeley, Calif.; University of California Press, 1950.

Little Smoky Ridge. Tuscaloosa, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1959.

Medical Behavioral Science; a Selected Bibliography of Cultural Anthropology, Social Psychology, and Sociology in Medicine. Lexington, Ky.; University of Kentucky, 1963.


The Talladega Story. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1954.

The Anthropology of Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Lexington, Ky.; University Press of Kentucky, 1969.


The papers of Marion Pearsall are held by the library at the University of Kentucky.



Biologist, extension specialist, university professor. Born– January 14, 1909. Parents– R.G. and Selma Bowling Pearson. Married– Mary Elizabeth Duncan. Children– One. Education– Alabama Polytechnic Institute, B.S., 1931; M.S.; Ph.D., Iowa State, 1936. Employed by the Soil Conservation Service, U.S.D.A., 1935-1937; associate specialist at Auburn University, 1943-1971. Named emeritus professor at Auburn in 1972. Member of the Society of Mayflower Descendants, Wildlife Society, American Society of Mammals, and the American Ornithologists Union.  Died March 28, 1999.


American Men and Women of Science. 1982; Find A Grave website


The Mourning Dove in Alabama. S.l.; Alabama Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit and the Department of Conservation, State of Alabama, 1941.



Poet. Born– November 29, 1898. Autauga county. Parents– Albert Augustus and Mary Catherine (Hicks) Pearson. Education– Select School for Girls and Women’s College in Montgomery. Early poetry appeared in Southern newspapers and the New York Sun.  Died May 23, 1967.


Who Was Who Among North American Authors.


Just Life (poems). Autaugaville, Ala.; s.n., 1929.

Love in a Garden. Montgomery, Ala.; Paragon Press, 1957.



Physician, writer. Born– November 4, 1854, Tuscaloosa. Parents– Elisha Wolsey (Alabama Chief Justice) and Lucy Lamb (Randall) Peck. Education– University of Alabama, A.B., M.A., 1876; post-graduate work at Columbia University and the Alliance in Paris; Bellevue Hospital Medical College, M.D., 1879. Free-lance writer for magazines and newspapers.  First poet laureate of Alabama, filling that post from 1930 to 1938. Died May 3, 1938.


Slowe, Betty.  “First State Poet Laureate a Local.” Tuscaloosa News,  June 25, 2012, pp. 1B, 3B.

Owen’s History of Alabama.


Alabama sketches. Chicago; A. C. McClurg & Co., 1902.

The Autumn Trail. Cedar Rapids, Iowa; The Torch Press, 1925.

Cap and Bells. New York; White, Stokes & Allen, 1886 (and four subsequent editions).

Fair Women of Today. New York; F. A. Stokes, 1895.

Maybloom and Myrtle. Boston; D. Estes & Co., 1910.

Rhymes and Roses. New York; F. A. Stokes, 1895.

Rings and Love Knots. New York; F. A. Stokes, 1892.

Song Lyrics; All For You. Cincinnati, Ohio; John Church Company, 1899.

Creole Song, Op. 85. Boston; W. A. Evans & Bro., 1883.

The Daffodil’s Secret, Op. 3, No. 2. New York; C. Saerchinger, 1904.

Mignon. New York; Edward Schuberth, 1893.


A collection of the papers of Samuel Mintern Peck, including correspondence and poems, is held by the Hoole Special Collections Library at the University of Alabama,

PENDELL, ELMER, 1894-1982


Lawyer, university professor. Born– July 28, 1894, Waverly, N.Y. Parents– George and Ida (Harris) Pendell. Married– Lucille Hunt, 1930. Children– One. Education– George Washington University, LL.B., 1917; University of Oregon, B.S., 1921; University of Chicago, A.M., 1923; Cornell University, Ph.D., 1929; studied population under James A. Field and Walter F. Wilcox. Served in U.S. Army during World War I; awarded the Purple Heart and the Distinguished Service Cross. Worked for the Republican National Committee and U.S. senators, 1944-1945; executive secretary of the Ashtabula County Historical Society, 1955-1956. Taught at Pennsylvania State University, 1933-1944; Baldwin Wallace College, 1946-1954; Olivet College, 1956-1957; Jacksonville State University, 1957-1965.


Who’s Who in America, 1982-1983.


Miracle (poetry). S.l.; Author, 1971.

The Next Civilization. Dallas; Royal Publishing Co, 1960.

Population on the Loose. New York; Funk, 1979.

Population Roads to Peace and War. Washington, D.C.; Population Reference Bureau, 1945.

Religions Roots in Biological Evolution. Jacksonville, Fla.; Author, 1969.

Rhymed Reminders. Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Author, 1970.

Sex Versus Civilization. Los Angeles, Calif.; Noontide, 1967.

Why Civilizations Self Destruct. Cape Canaveral, Fla.; H. Allen, 1977.

Wisdom to Guide You. Jacksonville, Fla.; Author, 1960.


Society Under Analysis. Lancaster, Pa.; Jacques Cattell Press, 1942.



Bullock-Willis, Virginia



Born– December 11, 1895, Tuskegee. Parents– William Drakeford and Mary (Yancy) Fonville. Married– Clifton Hewitt Penick, October 19, 1918. Children– Three.  Died March 21, 1986.


Averette Penick Lackey, Birmingham, Ala..


How a Totem Pole Was Made and Other Tales. New York; Vantage Press, 1969.



Episcopal priest. Born– January 15, 1891, Madison, Ga. Parents– Hinton Crawford and Lenena Ligon (Reeves) Pennington. Married– Gertrude Guerry Barnett, June 25, 1940. Education– University of Georgia, LL.B., 1914; Cornell University, M.A., 1923; studied for the ministry and ordained into the Episcopal Church in 1921. Served as an ensign in the U.S. Navy, aboard the USS President Lincoln. Served as rector of parishes in Homer, N.Y.; Marianna, Jacksonville, Ocala, and Miami, Fla.; St. John’s Church in Mobile. Recalled to active duty with the Navy in 1941. One of the founders of the Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, appointed historiographer of the Episcopal Church, 1949.


American Antiquarian Society. Proceedings. Vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 7-8, 1952.


America’s First Public Library; the Provincial Library at Charles-Town in Carolina, 1698. Columbia, S.C.; South Carolina State Library, 1970.

Apostle of New Jersey, John Talbot, 1645-1727. Philadelphia; The Church Historical Society, 1938.

The Beginning of the Episcopal Church in the Miami Area. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Pub. Co., 1941.

The Beginning of the Library in Charles Town, South Carolina. Worcester, Mass.; The Church Historical Society, 1935.

The Church of England and the Reformation. Eton, England; Savile Press, 1952.

The Church of England and the Reverend Clement Hall in Colonial North Carolina. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Publishing Co., 1937.

The Church of England in Colonial New Hampshire. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Publishing Co., 1937-1938.

The Church of England in Colonial Virginia. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Publishing Co., 1937.

Commissary Blair. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Publishing Co., 1936.

The Episcopal Succession During the English Reformation. Windsor Eng.; Savile Press, 1952.

The First Hundred Years of the Church of England in Rhode Island. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Pub. Co., 1935.

Fr. J.0.S. Huntington, O.H.C., at Miami. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Publishing Co., 1940.

George White. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Publishing Co., 1943.

John Freeman Young, Second Bishop of Florida. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Publishing Co., 1939.

Nathaniel Evans; a Poet of Colonial America. Ocala, Fla.; Taylor Printing Co., 1935.

The Planting of Christianity Among the West-Saxons. Windsor, Eng.; Savile Press, 1951.

The Reverend Arthur Browne of Rhode Island and New Hampshire. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Publishing Co., 1938.

The Reverend John Checkley. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Publishing Co., 1935.

The Reverend John Jacob Tschudy; Dedicated to the Dalcho Historical Society, 1951. Charleston; Dalcho Historical Society, 1954.

The Reverend Thomas Bray. Philadelphia; Church Historical Society, 1934.

Scottish Bishops and Their Consecrators. Hartford, Conn.; Church Missions Publishing Co., 1941.



Writer. Born– 1864, Lawrence County. Parents– Henry O. and Carolyn Olivia (Mayhew) Speake. Married– James Edwin Penny. Children– Two. Education– Huntsville Female Seminary. One of the organizers of the Birmingham Chapter of League of American Pen Women and served as it’s first president; president of the Alabama State Chapter. Member of the Writers Club (President), Quest Club, and Alabama Writers Conclave. Her book, A Women’s Problem, contributed to furthering the cause of temperance reform.


Marks’ Who Was Who in Alabama and from Biographical Dictionary of Southern Authors.


A Common Lot. Cincinnati, Ohio; Editor Publishing Co., 1898.

Cross Currents. Boston; B. Humphries, Inc., 1938.

Land Poor, and Six Shorter Stories. New York; H. Vinal Limited, 1928.

My Daughter. Birmingham, Ala.; Birmingham Pub. Co., 1946.

Us. Philadelphia; Dorrance, 1934.

A Woman’s Problem. Toronto; W. Briggs, 1905.



Aerospace engineer. Born– February, 17, 1942, Piedmont. Parents– Lawson and Faye (Morgan) Penny. Married– Peggy Hyatt, March 16, 1965. Children– One. Education– Auburn University, Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering, 1965; Alabama A & M University, MBA, 1977. Work for NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, 1961-1965; Langley Research Center, 1965-1966; Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, 1966-. Received a NASA commendation for his contribution to the space program.


Morris M. Penny, Huntsville, Ala..


Penny Generations; a History of Riley Penny’s descendants. Huntsville, Ala.; Author, 1982.

A Valley Heritage; the King-Morgan Families of Calhoun County, Alabama. Huntsville, Ala.; Author, 1983.



Actor, director, university professor. Born– June 29, 1935, Anniston. Education– Columbia University’s School of Drama, 1956; Wofford College, B.A., 1957; University of North Carolina, M.A.; 1959; University of Alabama, Ph.D, 1968. Taught at the University of Alabama, 1961-1967; Old Dominion University, 1968-1969; University of Alabama in Birmingham, 1969-. Performed in theatres in Norfolk, Williamsburg, Tuscaloosa, and Birmingham. Directed plays in New York and El Paso. Contributed poetry to Contemporary Literature in Birmingham, an Anthology, Nit and Wit, Chicago’s Literary Arts Magazine, Comment, Folio, and College English. Received the Ellen Gregg Ingalls Award for Contributions to theatre; a Fulbright Teaching Fellowship to Italy.


Robert Lynn Penny, Birmingham.


Birmingham Baja. Birmingham, Ala.; Thunder City Press, 1977.

Prologues to Home. Birmingham, Ala.; Thunder City Press, 1979.


Nothing Silent. Birmingham, Ala.; s.l., 1980.

PERCY, WALKER, 1916-1990


Physician, writer. Born– May 28, 1916, Birmingham. Parents– Leroy Pratt and Martha Susan (Phinizy) Percy. Married– Mary Bernice Townsend, November 7, 1946. Children– Two. Education– University of North Carolina, B.A., 1937; Columbia University, M.D., 1941. Interned at Bellevue Hospital, 1942. After 1942, devoted full time to writing. Member of the American Academy of Arts and Science and National Institute of Arts and Letters. Died May 10, 1990.


Who’s Who in America, 1980.


Bourbon. Winston-Salem, N.C.; Palaemon Press, 1979.

Diagnosing the Northern Malaise. New Orleans, La.; Forest Pub., 1985

Lancelot. New York; Farrar, Straus, 1977.

The Last Gentleman. New York; Farrar, Straus, 1966.

Lost in the Cosmos; the Last Self-help Book. New York; Farrar, Straus, 1983.

Love in the Ruins; the Adventures of a Bad Catholic at a Time Near the End of the World. New York; Dell, 1971.

The Message in the Bottle. New York; Farrar, 1975.

The Moviegoer. New York; Knopf, 1961.

Questions They Never Asked Me. Northridge, Calif.; Lord John Press, 1979

The Second Coming. New York; Farrar, Straus, 1980.

Signposts in a Savage Land. New York; Farrar, 1991

The State of the Novel; Dying Art or New Science. New Orleans, La.; Faust, 1987.

The Thanatos Syndrome. New York; Farrar, 1987.



Baptist minister, university professor. Born– June 23, 1930, Jacksonville, Fla. Married– Clarise Murphy, June 17, 1952. Children– Adopted two. Education– Stetson University, A.B., 1951; Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, M.A., 1959; Ph.D., 1965; Danish government grant and a Fulbright Travel Grant and studied at the University of Copenhagen, 1959-1960. Taught at Murray State College, 1960-1965; Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, 1965-1966; head of the Department of Philosophy, University of South Alabama, 1966-; Council of Learned Societies grant, 1969. Member of the American Philosophical Association, Philosophy of Education Society, and Soeren Kierkegaard Society.


Contemporary Authors. Vol. 25R.


Abortion; Pro and Con. Cambridge, Mass.; Schenkman Pub. Co., 1974.

Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1981.

The Sickness Unto Death. Macon, Ga.; Mercer University Press, 1987.

Two Ages. Macon, Ga.; Mercer University Press, 1984.

Soeren Kierkegaard. Richmond, Va.; John Knox Press, 1969.


Perspectives on Scripture and Tradition; Essays in Honor of Dale Moody. Macon, Ga.; Mercer University Press, 1987.


Memorias del XIII Congresa International de Filosofia, Vol. XII. Mexico City; National University of Mexico, 1964.



Poet; author; university professor of English; real estate broker.  Born– September 29, 1943, Boston, Mass. Parents–Rose Winer and Harry Perlis.  Married Paula Perlis; children–two; married Beth Bradley; children–three.  Education– University of Vermont, B.A., 1965; M.A., 1966; University of Michigan, Ph.D., 1969. Taught at the University of Michigan, 1969-1970; Beloit College, 1970-1975; Head of Department of English, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1975-; broker associate, Oxford Realty.   Contributed to South Dakota Review, and Bucknell Review. Died December 22, 2015.


Directory of American Scholars, 1973, and Alabama Faculty Directory, 1983; obituary; amazon.com website.


A Return to the Primal Self; Identity in the Fiction of George Eliot. New York; P. Long, 1989.

Skin Songs. Birmingham, Ala.; Thunder City Press, 1977.

An unofficial guide to buying a home.  Wiley, 204 (second edition).

Wallace Stevens; a World of Transforming Shapes. Lewisburg, Pa.; Bucknell University Press, 1976.



Political scientist, University professor. Born– Michigan. Married– Carl Grafton, December 28, 1974. Education– Wayne State University, Ph.B., and M.A.; University of Michigan, Ph.D. Taught at the University of Houston until 1975; Auburn University in Montgomery, 1975-.  Member  League of Women Voters.


Anniston Star, July 14, 1985, and AUM Catalog.


Big Mules and Branchheads; James E. Folsom and Political Power in Alabama. Athens, Ga.; University of Georgia, 1985.

Politics and Power in Alabama:  The More Things Change…  University of Georgia Press, 2005.

Joint_ editor;

The Behavioral Study of Political Ideology and Public Policy Formulation.  University Press of America, 2005.



Attorney, banker. Born– May 9, 1888, Atlanta, Ga. Parents– William Matthew and Alice Virginia (Longshore) Persons. Married– Elonia D. Hutchinson, June 12, 1913. Children– Three. Education– University of Alabama, LL.B., 1910; honorary LL.D., 1952. Practiced law, served as treasurer of the University of Alabama. Entered banking as his career. Served as a U.S. Army officer, 1917-1918; remained in the National Guard, 1918-1940; Division Commander of the 31st (Dixie) Division of the U.S. Army, 1940-1948. Received the Magnolia Cross from the State of Mississippi and Designated Most Distinguished Alumnus by the University of Alabama, 1952. Member– Phi Beta Kappa, Scabbard and Blade, Omicron Delta Kappa and Phi Kappa Sigma.


Who Was Who in America, Vol. 6.


Inflation, Deflation or Stabilization. Montgomery, Ala. Alabama State Chamber of Commerce, 1949.

The 31st Infantry (Dixie) Division in World War II. S.l; Alabama Historical Association, 1953.

PETRIE, GEORGE, 1860-1947


College professor, dean. Born– April 10, 1866, Montgomery. Parents– George Laurens and Mary Jane (Cooper) Petrie. Married– Mary Barkwell Lane, August 30, 1893. Children– One. Education– University of Virginia, M.S., 1887; Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D, 1891. Taught at Alabama Polytechnic Institute; dean of the Graduate School. Member of the Alabama Hall of Fame and Phi Gamma Mu. Contributed to the Polytechnic Institute Studies in Southern History.


Who Was Who in America, Vol. 2.


Church and State in Early Maryland. Baltimore, Md.; Johns Hopkins University Press, 1892.

Comments on Current Events. Auburn, Ala.; Auburn Printing Co., 1927.

Materials for Alabama Day Programs. Birmingham, Ala.; Birmingham Printing Co., 1929.


Mace-Petriequinn American School History. New York; Rand McNally, 1919.



Taxidermist. Born– August 31, 1935, Birmingham. Parents– W. A. and Rhonda E. Phillips. Married– Sharon. Children– Three. Education– Alabama Polytechnic Institute, B.A., 1959. Employed by Metropolitan Life Insurance, 1959-1961; Spalding Mine, 1961-1962; self-employed taxidermist, 1966-; chairman and commissioner of the Alabama Surfacing Mining Reclamation Region III for the Alabama Environmental Quality Association. Member of National Taxidermy Association (vice-president, president, board member), Steele District Boy Scouts of America (director), Outdoor Writers Association. Received the Governor’s Conservation Award, 1973; Environmental Reclamation Service Award, 1977, Eagle Scout.


Archie Phillips, Fairfield, Ala..


How to Mount Fish for Profit or Fun. Fairfield, Ala.; A. Phillips, 1979.


Archie and Bubba Phillips’ Fish Painting & Identification Manual. Fairfield, Ala.; A. Phillips, 1977.

Freeze Dry Taxidermy. Fairfield, Ala.; A. Phillips, 1981.

How to Mount Deer for Profit or Fun. Fairfield, Ala.; A. Phillips, 1980.

How to Mount Life Size Animals. Fairfield, Ala.; A. Phillips, 1983.

How to Start and Run a Successful Taxidermy Business. Fairfield, Ala.; A. Phillips, 1981.



Phillips, William A., III



School superintendent. Born– December 12, 1853, Covington, Ky. Parents– Evan and Elizabeth Herbert Phillips. Married– Nellie T. Cobbs, December 12, 1886. Married– Minnie Holman, December 17, 1898. Education– Marietta College, A.B., 1880; honorary LL.D., 1905; studied at the University of Edinburgh, University of Chicago, and the University of Alabama. Served as Superintendent of Public Schools in Birmingham, 1883-.


Who Was Who in America, Vol. 7.


History and Literature in Grammar Schools. Boston; D.C. Heath, 1893.

Old Tales and Modern Ideals. New York; Silver Burdett, 1905.

Science and Human Immortality. Birmingham, Ala.; City Paper Co., Printers, 1909.

The Silver-Burdett Speller, in Four Parts, for Primary, Intermediate, Grammar and Advanced Grades. Boston; Silver Burdett, 1913.



Novelist; writer of screenplays. Born– October 11, 1922, Corinth, Miss. Parents– W.T. and Ollie (Fare) Phillips. Education– Mississippi State College, B.S., 1943; University of Alabama, M.A. First novel, The Bitterweed Path, served as graduate thesis. Taught creative writing at Southern Methodist University, 1948-1950. Mississippi State Public Service Commission, 1958-64. Wrote screenplays for several successful films. Received the Rosenwald Fellowship in Fiction, 1947; Eugene F. Saxon Award, 1948; Fulbright Fellowship, 1950; Guggenheim Fellowship, 1953. Story included in O. Henry Prize Stories of 1951. Died April 3, 2007.


Contemporary authors online


The Bitterweed Path. New York; Rinehart, 1950.

The Day JFK Died, Teleplay. S.l.; typescript, 1980.

The Golden Lie. New York; Rinehart, 1951.

The Loved and the Unloved. New York; Harper, 1955.

Red Midnight.  University Press of Mississippi, 2002.

Search for a Hero. New York; Rinehart, 1952.