BERRY, EVA BELLE, 1905-1957
Church and denominational administrator; secretary. Born– January 6, 1905, Bellfactory, Madison County. Parents– Ephraim Jack and Martha Gemima Bouldin Berry. Education– Howard College, A.B., 1930; Woman’s Missionary Union Training School in Louisville, Ky. Church secretary for two churches; Birmingham Association WMU Young People’s secretary, 1933; Alabama WMU Young People’s secretary, Alabama, 1934-1943; field worker, WMU, Missouri, 1944-1947; executive secretary, WMU, Missouri, 1947-1954; worked with the Broadway Plan of Church Finance in the Southern Baptist General Convention of California, 1954-1956; executive secretary of the Kansas Woman’s Missionary Union, 1957.
Southern Baptist Encyclopedia and Eljee Bentley, Archivist of the Woman’s Missionary Union, Birmingham, Ala.
Labor of Love through Alabama Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union, 1899-1939. S.l.; Alabama Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union, 1940.