
Teacher, journalist. Born– December 23, 1863, Lowndes County. Married– Mary Young, November 8, 1888. Children– Two. Education– Alabama A & M College (Auburn), A.B., 1881; Simmons College, honorary A.M., 1906. Taught school in Texas. Served as editorial writer and managing editor of the Galveston News, Galveston Tribune, and Houston Post, 1889-1903; founder and editor of the Ft. Worth Record, 1903-1913; director of extension at Texas A & M College, 1914-1917; Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for the U.S., 1917-1919; chair of Globe Laboratories in Ft. Worth, 1921-.


Who Was Who in America, Vol. 2, and Library of Southern Literature, Vol. 9.


Background of American Government. Dallas, Tex.; The Southern Pub. Co., 1924.

The Business of Agriculture During the War and After. Washington, D.C.; U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1918.

Galveston in Nineteen Hundred. Atlanta, Ga.; W.D. Chase, 1900.

History of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. College Station, Tex.; Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1935.

A History of the United States for the Grammar Grades. Dallas, Tex.; Southern Pub. Co., 1920.

Lone Star Edition of the World’s Best Orations … Chicago; Kaiser, s.d.

Rings o’ Smoke. New York; Abbey Press, 1902.

The Student’s History of Our Country …. Dallas, Tex.; Southern Pub. Co., 1912.