
University Professor. Born– February 19, 1931, Los Angeles, Calif. Parents– Abraham and Ada (Markson) Andelson. Married– Geraldine Rippetoe, July 1, 1954. Married Bonnie Von Orange Johnson, June 7, 1964. Education– attended Los Angeles City College; University of Chicago, A.B., 1952; University of Southern California, A.M., 1954, Ph.D., 1960. Ordained minister in the Congregational Church, 1959.  Executive director of the Henry George School of Social Science in San Diego, 1959-1962; taught at Northland College in Wisconsin, 1962-1963; Northwestern State University, Louisiana, 1963-1965; Auburn University, 1965-1992. Member of the American Philosophical Society,  Southern Society of Philosophy and Psychology, Alabama Philosophy Society, and American Association of University Professors. Served as a member of the editorial boards of the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 1969; Personalist, 1975-1980. Awarded the George Washington Medal by the Freedom Foundation, 1971. Awarded professor emeritus status at Auburn on his retirement, 1992. Died November 8, 2003.


Who’s Who in America, 1982; Contemporary Authors online


Imputed Rights; An Essay in Christian Social Theory.  Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1971.


From Wasteland to Promised Land; Liberation Theology for a Post-Marxist World. Maryknoll, N.Y.; Orbis Books, 1992.


Commons without Tragedy; Protecting the Environment from Overpopulation; a New Approach. London; Shepheard-Walwyn; Savage, Md.; Barnes & Noble, 1991.

Critics of Henry George; a Centenary Appraisal of Their Strictures on Progress and Poverty. Rutherford, N.J.; Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1979.

Land-value; Taxation around the World. 3rd edition. Malden, MA:  Blackwell, 2000.

ANDERS, MARY EDNA, 1921-2001


Librarian. Born– December 7, 1921, Northport. Parents–James W. and Edna A. Anders.  Education– University of Alabama, 1940-1943; University of North Carolina, B.S. in Library Science, 1947, M.A. in Library Science, 1950; Columbia University, D.L.S, 1958. Career began as a librarian at Huntingdon College, 1943, and included positions at the University of North Carolina, Tuscaloosa High School, Birmingham Southern College, Institute for Research in Social Sciences, Florida State University, University of Florida, University of Alabama, Emory University, and Principal Research Scientist, Industrial Development Division, Engineering Experiment Station, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1958-81. Member of the American, Southeastern, and Georgia Library Associations. Received the Mary V. Rothrock Award of the Southeastern Library Association; the Distinguished Service Award of the Alabama Library Association; and the Distinguished Alumna Award of the University of North Carolina. Died October 18, 2001.


Biographical Directory of Librarians in the United States, 1970; Who’s Who in Library Science, 1966; obituary, March 20, 2001.


Interlibrary Cooperation in Georgia; a Report of a Survey for the Public Library Unit, Georgia Department of Education. Atlanta, Ga.; Department of Education, Public Library Unit, 1967.

Libraries and Library Services in the Southeast; a Report of the Southeastern States Cooperative Library Survey, 1972-1974. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1976.

Library and Reference Applications; Census Tapes and Printed Reports. Washington, D.C.; U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1971.

Southeastern Library Association, 1920-1950. Atlanta; Southeastern Library Association, 1956.

The Southeastern States Cooperative Library Survey, 1972-1974, Tables. Atlanta; Industrial Development Division, Engineering Experiment Station, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1975.

The Tennessee Valley Council, 1940-1949; a Regional Approach to Library Planning. Atlanta; Southeastern Library Association, 1960.



Poet; teacher. Born– March 19, 1899, Leeds. Parents– James Barnett Collier and Ida Vann Elliott. Married– Holger W. Andersen. Children– One. Education– George Peabody College, B.S., M.A., 1936. Public school teacher in Birmingham, 1918-1920, 1924-1933, and 1935-1937; assistant director of curriculum in Birmingham Public Schools, 1935-1937; taught at Arkansas State University; Pan American College. Co-founder of the Poetry Society of Tennessee and the first poet laureate of that organization.  Member of the World Poetry Society, the National League of Pen Women, the Tennessee Woman’s Press and Authors Club, the Alabama State Poetry Society and many other organizations. Honors– Winner of several honors and prizes including the grand prize of the Alabama Writers Conclave in 1978; named a colonel aide-de-camp to Governor Lamar Alexander of Tennessee in 1980. 1975 Poet of the Year, Alabama State Poetry Society. Died March 1989.


International Who’s Who in Poetry, 4th ed. 1974-1975; Inez Elliott Andersen, Memphis, Tenn.


And Now I Have Told You. Memphis, Tenn.; Riverside Press, 1979.

Never Send to Know. Kingsport, Tenn.; Author, 1962.

The Poetry Society of Tennessee, 1953-1969; a History. Memphis, Tenn.; Green Light Publications, 1970.



Lawyer. Born– August 24,1886,  Estill Springs, Tenn. Parents– W. W. and Bettie (Freeman) Anderton. Married– Elizabeth Chew, November 11, 1915. Children– five. Education– Cumberland University, Bachelor of Laws. Practiced law in Birmingham after 1914. Served as a city judge in Birmingham; special assistant to the Attorney General of Alabama. Ran as a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in the 1926 Alabama primary, representing the dry faction.  A member of the founding committee of the Birmingham School of the Bible, now Southeastern Bible College, in the early 1930’s. Died August 12,1955.


Owen’s Story of Alabama, vol. 4;


Blue Skies Beyond. Nashville; Broadman Press, 1943.

The Code of the City of Birmingham, Alabama. Birmingham, Ala.; Birmingham Printing and Bindery Co., 1917.



Editor, reporter; operations analyst.  Born– June 15, 1899, Memphis, Tenn. Parents– Daniel Marshall and Adeline Baker (Van Court) Andrews. Married– Cora Wells Means, June 21, 1926 (died 1971). Children– Three. Married– Patricia Wilson. Education– Alabama Polytechnic Institute in 1917, 1919-1920. Employed as a reporter and editor for newspapers and press services in the Midwest and South, 1920-1937; aviation editor for the Washington Post, 1928-1931; military writer, 1939-1950; operations analyst with the U.S. Army, 1917-1919, 1930-1935, and 1943-1946 (attained rank of Captain); operations analyst, Johns Hopkins University. Member of the American Historical Association. Died August 1, 1973.


Who Was Who in America, Vol. 6.


Our New Army. Boston; Little, Brown, 1942.

Disaster Through Air Power. New York; Rinehart, 1950.


A Review of U. S. Historical Experience With Civil Affairs, 1776-1954. Bethesda, Md.; Operations Research Office, Johns Hopkins University, 1961.



Writer. Born– April 2, 1860, Mobile. Parents– Jacob Shaw and Ann Louise (Gold) Shipman. Married– William Shankland Andrews (later justice of the New York state supreme court), December 31, 1884. Children– One. Education– local schools in Lexington, Ky.; studied at home with her father who was an Episcopal priest and later a bishop at Fon du Lac, Wisconsin, and pastor of Christ Church in New York.  Known for her boys’ stories and romantic fiction. Died August 2, 1936.


Who Was Who in America, Vol. 1; Notable American Women, Vol. 1.


The Better Treasure. Indianapolis, Ind.; Bobbs-Merrill, 1908.

Bob and the Guides. New York; Scribner, 1906.

The Counsel Assigned. New York; Scribner, 1912.

The Courage of the Commonplace. New York; Scribner, 1912.

Crosses of War. New York; Scribner, 1918.

The Enchanted Forest, and Other Stories. New York; E. P. Dutton, 1909.

The Eternal Feminine, and Other Stories. New York; Scribner, 1916.

The Eternal Masculine; Stories of Men and Boys. New York; Scribner, 1913.

A Good Samaritan. New York; McClure, 1906.

Her Country. New York; Scribner, 1918.

His Soul Goes Marching On. New York; Scribner, 1922.

Joy in the Morning. New York; Scribner, 1919.

A Kidnapped Colony. New York; Harper, 1903.

The Lifted Bandage. New York; Scribner, 1910.

A Lost Commander; Florence Nightingale. New York; Doubleday, 1929.

The Marshal. Indianapolis, Ind.; Bobbs, 1912.

The Militants; Stories of Some Parsons, Soldiers, and Other Fighters in the World. New York; Scribner, 1909.

Old Glory. New York; Scribner, 1916.

Passing the Torch. New York; Scribner, 1924.

The Perfect Tribute. New York; Scribner, 1906.

Pontifex Maximus. New York; Scribner, 1925.

The Three Things; the Forge in Which the Soul of a Man Was Tested. Boston; Little-Brown, 1915.

Vive l’empereur. New York; Scribner, 1902.

The White Satin Dress. New York; Scribner, 1930.


August First. New York; Scribner, 1915.

Yellow Butterflies. New York; Scribner, 1924.


The Whole Family; a Novel by Twelve Authors. New York; Harper, 1908.


The papers of Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews are held by the Special Collections Research Center at Syracuse University.



Methodist clergyman; teacher; newspaper editor.  Born– October 12, 1825,  Abbeville, S. C.  Parents–  Whitfield and Lucinda Miller Anthony.  Married– Emily Baugh, November 23, 1847 (died 1867).  Children–six.  Married– Elizabeth Josephine Alexander, September 30, 1867 (died 1890).  Children–six.  Married– Anna Biggers Wiggins, July 21, 1890. Licensed to preach, 1846.  Served  Methodist churches in Alabama and Georgia, 1847-1898, with intervals of farming and teaching. Pastor of fourteen churches; presiding elder of four districts. Pastor in Sandersville, Georgia, during the Civil War; credited with convincing General Sherman not to burn the town.  Edited the Jasper weekly Mountain Eagle for several years; and the Herald and Georgian of Sandersville, Ga., in the 1870’s, while working as a minister. Wrote his history of Cherokee County  in 1875 for the Gadsden Times, while serving a Methodist church in Gadsden.  Died January 16, 1899.


“Introduction” to Early History of Northeast Alabama and Incidentally of Northwest Georgia.  University, AL:  Confederate Publishing Co., 1979.


Life and Times, An Autobiography, with a few original sermons.  Atlanta: C.P. Byrd, Printer, 1896.

Reminiscences of Cherokee County, 1835-1875, in Early Hisotry of Northeast Alabama and Incidentally of Northwest Georgia.  University, AL:  Confederate Publishing Co., 1979.


ARMES, ETHEL MARIE, 1876-1945.


Reporter; novelist. Born– December 1, 1876, Washington, D.C. Parents– George Augustus and Lucy Hamilton (Kerr) Armes. Education– attended private schools in Washington, D.C. Employed as a reporter for the Chicago Chronicle, Washington Post, and Birmingham Post-Herald. Edited Advance Magazine in Birmingham in 1906; reported on the history and resources of the Alabama mineral belt and on the social conditions and problems of the Alabama coal fields. Charter member of the Birmingham Equal Suffrage Association.  Died September 28, 1945.


Woman’s Who’s Who of America, 1914-1915; American Authors and Books; Owen’s History of Alabama; Dictionary of Alabama Biography.


Midsummer in Whittier’s Country. Birmingham, Ala.; Advance Press, 1905.

The Story of Coal and Iron in Alabama. Birmingham, Ala.; Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, 1909.  Reprint, Leeds, 1987.

Stratford Hall, the Great House of the Lees. Richmond, Va.; Garrett & Massie, 1936.

Stratford on the Potomac. Greenwich, Conn.; William Alexander, Jr. Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, 1928.

The Washington Manor House; England’s Gift to the World. New York; American Branch of the Sulgrave Institution, 1922.


Nancy Shippen; Her Journal Book. Philadelphia; J. B. Lippincott, 1935.



Historian of religion; university professor. Born– December 5, 1929, Miami, Fla. Parents– Thomas and Frankie (Calhoun) Armour. Married– Mary Anne Crum, May 30, 1957. Children– Three. Education– Baylor University, B.A., 1950; Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, B.D., 1953; Harvard University, S.T.M., 1956; Th.D., 1963.  U.S. Army Chaplain, 1953-55.  Taught at Stetson University, 1960-73; at Auburn University (professor and department head), 1973-80; Mercer University, 1980-1998. Member of the American Academy of Religion, the American Society for Church History, the Southern Baptist Historical Society, and the Florida Baptist Historical Society. With his wife, Dr. Mary Anne Armour, established the Armour Family Therapy Lecture Series at Mercer University Medical School in 1998. Received the Brewer Award from the American Society for Church History, 1966.


Contemporary Authors online; Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, 1976-1977; Directory of American Scholars, 6th ed.; and Writer’s Directory, 1976-1978.


Anabaptist Baptism, a Representative Study. Scottsdale, Pa.; Herald Press, 1966.

Islam, Christianity, and the West:  A Troubled History.  Maryknoll, NY:  Orbis Books, 2002.


Perspectives on Christian Ethics; Essays in Honor of Henlee Hulix Burnette.  Macon; Mercer University Press, 1991.


History of the First Baptist Church of Christ at Macon; Macon, Georgia, 1826-1968.  Macon, GA; Southern Press, 1968-89.

Updated 11-16-2012 by Nancy DuPree



Teacher. Born– March 18, 1954, Birmingham. Parents– John Lee and Jo Ann (White) Armstrong. Education– University of Alabama, B.S. Employed as assistant to the pharmacist in Center Point after 1973; drama teacher at Gardendale High School after 1976.


John Lee Armstrong, Jr., Birmingham, Ala.


He’s My Brother. Philadelphia; Dorrance & Co., 1976.



University professor of education. Born– January 29, 1950, St. Louis, Mo. Parents– William F. and Mabel B. Armstrong. Married– Naomi, 1973. Children– One. Education– University of Central Florida, B.S. in psychology; University of Florida, M.Ed., 1974, Ph.D. in special education, 1981. Member of the faculty of North Georgia College, 1979-1982; Department of Special Education, Jacksonville State University after 1982. Member of the Council for Exceptional Children; Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders.


Steve Armstrong, Jacksonville, Ala.


Practical Self-monitoring for Classroom Use. Springfield, Ill.; Charles Thomas, 1984.

ARNOLD, BYRON, 1901-1971.


Musician; Professor of music; collector of folksongs. Born– August 15, 1901, Vancouver, Washington. Parents– Horace Wade and Marguerite Jaggy Arnold.  Married–Flossie E. Hagebusch, 1962. Education– Willamette University, B.A., 1924; Eastman School of Music. Faculty member of the University of Alabama, 1938-1949; University of Southern California after 1950. Best known for his work in collecting folksongs of Alabama;  travelled around the state gathering recordings and texts of folksongs of many types.  Died  December 25, 1971.


Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 6th ed.

“Introduction” to An Alabama Songbook.  University of Alabama Press, 2004.


Five Incapacitated Preludes (A Symphonic Suite).

Three Fantasticisms (for orchestra).


An Alabama Songbook:  Ballads, folksongs, and spirituals collected by Byron Arnold.  Ed. by Robert W. Halli, Jr.  University of Alabama Press, 2004.

Folk Songs of Alabama. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1950.


Arnold’s collection of Alabama folksongs (recordings and papers) is held by the Hoole Special Collections Library at the University of Alabama.



Newspaper publisher, writer. Born– August 28, 1911, Cullman. Parents– Jesse Harden and Lula Florence (Winn) Smith. Married– Henry Frank Arnold, 1934. Children– Two. Education– Huntingdon College, A.B., 1932. Taught English at Hanceville High School, 1932-1934. Publisher, with husband, of Cullman Tribune, 1937-1968; freelance writer after 1968. Served as Secretary of the Cullman Bicentennial Commission; member of Cullman Museum Board; Alabama Federation of Women’s Clubs; Episcopal Church. Honors– Cullman’s first Woman of Achievement, 1955. Died October 26, 2002.


Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, 1982; jacket of Beyond Tomorrow.


Beyond Tomorrow. Philadelphia; Dorrance & Co., 1978.



Engineer; educator. Born– August 20, 1897, Dayton, Marengo County.  Parents– Francis Barton and Bettie King (Jones) Askew. Married–Frances Juanita Deloach.  Children–four.  Education– Dayton Academy, 1903-1913; Marion Institute, 1913-1914; Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1914- 1917. Served in the U.S. Navy, 1917-1918; design engineer in Birmingham for ten years; teacher-athletic coach for three years; high school principal; assistant director of Alabama School of Trades for three years; engineering faculty of Auburn University; senior engineering drawing checker at Lockheed Aircraft Corporation in Marietta, Ga. for ten years; retired 1965.  Died October 2, 1992.


Dayton, Marengo County, Alabama.


Dayton, Marengo County, Alabama. Auburn, Ala.; Privately printed, 1985.

History of the [Auburn]  Class of 1917. S.l.; s.n., 1982.

ATCHISON, RAY M., 1921-2013


University professor of English. Born– October 8, 1921, Shelby County. Parents– Edward W. and Jessie (Barber) Atchison. Married– Geneva Doris Teague, 1948. Children– Two. Education– Howard College, A.B., 1943; George Peabody College, M.A., 1947; Duke University, Ph.D., 1956.  Served in the U.S. Army, WWII. Taught English at George Peabody College, 1946-1947; Samford University, 1947-1992.  Conducted numerous recorded interviews preserved in the library at Samford University. Died May 28, 2013.


Directory of American Scholars, 6th ed.; Who’s Who in Alabama, Vol. 2.


Baptists of Shelby County, Alabama. Birmingham, Ala.; Banner Press, 1964.

Light in the Valley:  History of Dawson Memorial Baptist Church.  Birmingham:  Dawson Memorial, 1999.


Historical Sketches of Alabama Baptist Churches and Associations. Birmingham, Ala.; Howard College Library, 1958.

Richard Hopkins Pratt and The Six Mile Academy. Birmingham, Ala.; Banner Press, 1965.


A collection of the papers of Ray M. Atchison is held by the Special Collections Library at Samford University.



Historian; university professor; administrator.  Born–April 24, 1935, Birmingham.  Parents– Jack and Lena Margaret Jones Rawls.  Married– George Arthur Atkins, June 7, 1954.  Children– four.  Education; Birmingham schools;  Auburn University, B. A., 1956; M.A., 1960; Ph. D., 1974.  Taught history at Auburn, 1960-69; at UAB; at Samford until 1985.  Director of the Center for Arts and Humanities at Auburn, 1985-1995.  Published widely in history journals, especially about the history of Alabama.  Consultant for many libraries, literary and historical groups.  A world champion water skier;  first woman inducted into the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame, 1976.  Member of Alabama Historical Association; Friends of Alabama Archives. Board member of the Alabama Archives and History Foundation.  Inducted into the Alabama Academy of Honor, 2007. Received the James Sulzby Award for the best book on Alabama history, for Developed for the Service of  Alabama, and for Alabama:  The History of a Deep South State,  which was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.


Women who Made a Difference in Alabama.  Compiled by the League of Women Voters of Alabama, 1995.


Blossoms amid the Deep Verdure; A Century of Women at Auburn, 1892-1992.

The Building of Brasfield and Gorrie.  Birmingham, Brasfield & Gorrie, 2002.

The Club:  A History, 1951-1986.  Birmingham, 1986.

Developed for the Service of Alabama:  The Centennial History of the Alabama Power Company, 1906-2005.  Birmingham:  Alabama Power Co., 2006.

John M. Harbert III:  Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer.  Birmingham:  Tarva House, 1999.

A manual for writing Alabama State and Local History.  Alabama Historical Commission, 1976.

Nineteenth Century Club:  Celebrating 100 Years of ‘Mutual Mental Improvement’ (1895-1995).  Birmingham:  The Club, 1995.

The Romantic Ideal:  Alabama’s Plantation Ideal.  Troy State University Press, 1978.

‘Tasso’:  The Bower House at Molette’s Bend.  Alabama Power Company, 2010.

The Valley and the Hills; A History of Birmingham and Jefferson County.  Woodland Hills, CA:  Windsor Publications, 1981; rpt. 1996.

The Warrior and the Tombigbee:  Two Rivers Flowing through History.  Mobile, AL:  Warrior-TombigbeeWaterway Association, 2000.


An Alabama Legacy:  Images of a State.  Virginia Beach:  Donning Co., 1995.

Alabama:  The History, Geography, Economics, and Civics of an American State.  Montgomery: Crystal Clear Press, 2005.

Alabama; The history of a Deep South State.  University of Alabama Press, 1994.

“I Am a Telephone Man”:  Wallace R. Bunn’s Life in the Bell System.  Birmingham:  Pine Ridge House, 2009.

The Jones Family of Huntsville Road.  Birmingham, 1981.

Made in Alabama:  A State Legacy.  Birmingham Museum of Art, 1995.

People of Power:  Images from the Collection of the Alabama Power Archives.  Alabama Power Company, 2011.




Photographer; journalist. Born– February 18, 1916, Hyde Park, Md. Parents– Oliver Fraser and Annie Sally (McLeod) Atkins. Married– Marjorie Neola Deakin, August 10, 1940. Children– Two. Education– University of Alabama, A.B., 1938; while at the University served as member of the band, staff member of the Crimson-White, staff member of the Corolla, and member of the News Bureau. Employed as a photographer for the Birmingham Post, 1939-1940; staff photographer for the Washington Daily News, 1940-1942; foreign correspondent and photographer for the American Red Cross, 1942-1945. Worked for the Saturday Evening Post, 1945-1969; served as a foreign correspondent and photographer in Korea and Japan, 1951; photography columnist for the Washington Post, 1947-1950; personal photographer to the President and chief White House photographer, 1969-1974. Traveled with President Nixon and photographed the Nixon family in their private quarters on the President’s last day in office. Vice-president of Curtis Publishing Company, 1974-1977. Member White House  Photographers Association; National Press Photographers Association; American Overseas Association; U. S. Senate Photo Gallery.  Received the White House Photographers Association grand award, 1952; National Press Photographers Association Personalities Award, 1952.  Died January 10, 1977.


Contemporary Authors online

Publications (author and photographer);

Camera on Assignment. Fairfax, Va.; Fairfax Publishing, s.d.

The White House Years; Triumph and Tragedy. New York; Playboy Press, 1977.


Eye on Nixon. New York; Hawthorn, 1972.


A large collection of the photographs of Oliver Atkins Frazer is held by the Special Collections and Archives Division of the Library at George Mason University.  His presidential historical material is held by the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, California.



University professor of theatre; playwright. Born– April 5, 1939, Mobile. Parents– Jack R. and Sadie B. (Daves) Atkins. Married– Mary Ellen O’Brien, April 14, 1964. Children– Two. Education– Duke University, B.A., 1961; Yale University, M.F.A., 1964. Taught at Vassar College, 1964-1965; Hollins College, 1965-1982; University of New Orleans, 1982-. Contributed articles and plays to film and literary journals.  General editor of Monarch Film Series for Simon & Schuster.  Founder, editor, and publisher of Film Journal (1971-76) and Scripts South.


Contemporary Authors online


The Blue Man, A Novel. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, 1978.

Circus Maximus.  Row, Peterson, 1959.

Pigeons, a New Musical Comedy. S.l.; KA Record & Sound Corp., 1977.

The Sword and the Scroll; a Drama in Three Acts. Evanston, Ill.; Row, Peterson, 1959.


The Fire Came By; the Riddle of the Great Siberian Explosion. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, 1976.


Frederick Wiseman. New York; Monarch Press, 1976.

Graphic Violence on the Screen. New York; Monarch Press, 1976.

Ken Russell. New York; Monarch Press, 1976.

Movies and Sexuality. Hollins College, Va.; Film Journal, 1973.

Science Fiction Films. New York; Monarch Press, 1976.

Sexuality in the Movies. Bloomington, Ind.; Indiana University Press, 1975.


A collection of papers of Thomas Radcliffe Atkins is held by the Libby Library at Indiana University.



Journalist. Born– September 22, 1919, Brighton, Ala. Parents– George Mason and Roxie Cordelia (Gurley) Atkinson. Married– Barbara Elaine Conway, May 28, 1943. Children– Three. Education– University of Alabama, B.A., 1948.  Served in U. S. Marine Corps, WWII, 1940-44.  Worked for the Birmingham Age Herald, 1948-1950; and the Birmingham Post Herald after 1950, when it was merged with the Birmingham Post; at various times reporter, editorial writer, columnist, sportswriter. Wrote a popular column, “People and Things,” on local life. (Book is a compilation of these columns.)  Honors– Received Purple Heart; Ernie Pyle Memorial Award, 1972; received awards for his writing from AP, UPI, and SDX. Died April 15, 1998.


Who’s Who in America, 1976.


Clettus; Volume I. Birmingham, Ala.; Birmingham Post Herald, 1980.

AVERY, BURNIECE, 1908-1993


Teacher, actress. Born– June 12, 1908, Ala. Parents– John E. and Elizabeth Crews. Married– Robert H. Avery, 1933. Children– One. Education– Wayne State University, B.S. Elementary school teacher in Detroit, Mich., 1954-1973; writer after 1973; actress performing in theaters in Detroit, Ann Arbor, Flint, Rochester, Mich., and Louisville, Ky. Served as director and talent coordinator for a television station in 1975. Founder of the Proscenium Players; Search, Explore, Expand, Knowledge (SEEK). Died October 26, 1993.


Contemporary Authors online


Walk Quietly Through the Night and Cry Softly. Detroit; Balamp Pub., 1977.

Plays; As Others See Us. (Two acts) produced in Detroit in 1973.

Death Rehearsal (One act) produced in Detroit in 1971.

What Makes Suzy Run? (Three acts) produced in Detroit in 1971.





Historian; clerical worker. Born– September 26, 1925, Birmingham. Parents– Pleasant Wiley and Adrian Mae (Bullock) Acton. Married– George Donnell Axford, March 4, 1949. Children– Two. Education– Howard College; University of Alabama in Birmingham. Worked at Exchange Security Bank, 1943-1950, 1970-1971. Moved to Athens, Ala., in 1971,  where she owned and managed a restaurant. Member of the Alabama Historical Commission and its Board of Advisors. Named Citizen of the Year 2003 by the Athens Chamber of Commerce; Historian of the Year by the Alabama Historical Society, 2004.  Received the Alabama Historical Commission Lifetime Achievement Award.  Died July 7, 2004.


Who’s Who in Alabama, Vol. 3.; obituary, Huntsville Times, July 10, 2004


The Acton Family. S.l.; Author, s.d.

Historic Homes of Alabama and Their Traditions. Birmingham, Ala.; Birmingham Pub. Co., 1969.

A History of the United Church Women. S.l.; s.n., s.d.

Limestone County After Appomatox, 1965-1970. Athens, Ala.; Athens Pub. Co, 1985.

Limestone County During World War I; Gleaning from the Limestone Democrat. Athens, Ala.; Limestone County Historical Society, 1983.

Limestone County During World War II. Athens, Ala.; Limestone County Historical Society, s.d.

Limestone County Fifty Years Ago. Athens, Ala.; Limestone County Historical Society, 198?

“To Lochaber Na Mair”, Southerners View the Civil War; Eye Witness Accounts of Soldiers on the Field of Battle. Athens, Ala.; Athens Pub. Co., 1986.


The Lure and Lore of Limestone County. Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Portals Press, 1976.

150 Years of Presbyterian Life. Athens, Ala.; First Presbyterian Church, 1979.

Rambling Recipes on Heritage Trails; with Emphasis Upon the Old Southwest. Athens, Ala.; Axford, 1981.


The Journals of Thomas Hubbard Hobbs. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1976.



Editor, publisher. Born– April 8, 1935, Anniston. Parents– Harry Mell and Edel (Ytterboe) Ayers. Married– Josephine Peoples Ehringhaus, December 9, 1961. Children– One. Education– University of Alabama, A.B., 1959; attended Harvard University  as a Nieman Fellow,  1967-1968. Reporter for the Raleigh (N.C.) Times, 1960-1962; Washington correspondent for the Timmons Agency, 1962-1964; editor and publisher of the Anniston Star, 1968-2017; Chair, Consolidated Publications Co., 1998.  Commentator, NPR “Morning Edition.”  Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Board of the Southern Center for International Studies, and the International Fulbright Board. Founder and president of the L.O.C. Lamar Society. Received the Human Relations Award from the American Jewish Committee in 1977; elected to the Alabama Academy of Honor, 1991; to the University of Alabama Communications Hall of Fame,2000.


Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, 1973-1974; Marquis Who’s Who online.


In Love with Defeat: The Making of a Southern Liberal.  Montgomery: New South Books, 2012.


You Can’t Eat Magnolias. New York; McGraw-Hill, 1972.


A Bicentennial Portrait of the American People. New York; Simon & Schuster, 1975.

The Southern Mystique. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1977.

AYERS, HARRY MELL, 1885-1964


Editor, publisher. Born– December 18, 1885, Anniston. Parents– Thomas Willburn and Minnie (Skelton) Ayers. Married– Edel Ytterboe, September 28, 1921. Children– Two. Education– Attended Jacksonville State Normal School. Served in the U.S. Army, WWI. Bought the Anniston Hot Blast  and the Evening Star in 1913 and merged them as the Anniston Star, of which he served as editor and publisher. Active in local and state politics;  campaign manager for Governor Thomas Kilby, 1917-18; delegate to the 1928 Democratic National Convention.  Member of the Rotary Club, National Press Club, Overseas Press Club, and many other organizations; president of the Alabama Press Association. Member and vice president of the Alabama State Board of Education.  Wrote “Come South Young Man,” an address before the graduating class of Wooster Preparatory School, Danbury, Connecticut, June, 1953. Awarded the honorary LL.D. by Howard College, 1931, and the D.Litt. by the University of Alabama, 1956. Awarded the Army’s Outstanding Civilian Service Medal for his efforts to re-activate Fort McClellan after WWII.Inducted into the Alabama Newspaper Hall of Fame, 1969. Died October 7, 1964.


Who Was Who in America, Vol. 4. Obituary.


Education, Segregation and Suppression. Troy, Ala.; s.n., 1956.

History of Parker Memorial Baptist Church. S.l.; s.n., s.d.

North Versus South and West. S.l.; s.n., 1956.


The papers of Harry Mell Ayers are held by the W.S.Hoole Special Collections Library at the University of Alabama.


AYERS, JAMES W., 1928-


Self-employed. Born– April 1, 1928, Etowah County. Parents– Jay W. and Thelma (Harbin) Ayers. Education– Etowah High School. Self-employed yard worker. Wrote letters, songs, short stories, and editorials published in periodicals, anthologies, and local newspapers. Lived in Attalla.


Files at Gadsden Public Library.


Circles of Conquest. New York; Carleton Press, 1968.

New Angels. New York; Carleton Press, 1971.

Tears, a Christian How-to Book. S.l.; s.n., s.d.



University professor of speech; speech therapist and researcher. Born– August 12, 1908, Harbor Springs, Mich. Parents– Arthur and Kate McDuffee Backus. Education– Michigan College of Education in Kalamazoo for two years; University of Michigan, A.B, 1929, M.A., 1930; University of Wisconsin, Ph.D., 1933. Taught Latin and English in Bear Lake, Mich. for one year; directed Speech Clinic for the Beloit Wisconsin Public Schools, 1933-1935; served as chairman of the speech and drama department of State Teachers’ College, Slippery Rock, Pa., 1937; taught at the University of Michigan, 1943-1949; and 1949-1960 taught at the University of Alabama and was director of the speech and hearing clinic; 1960- Professor of Clinical Speech at the University of Southern California; Director of Religious Education at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Monrovia, CA.  Author of many articles in professional journals.  A Fellow of the American Speech and Hearing Association and a member of the American Psychological Association. Died November 18, 1999.


Title pages of her books Speech in Education and Speech Therapy with Children; and  William Stanley Hoole Special Collections of the University of Alabama.


Speech in Education– a Guide for the Classroom Teacher. New York; Longmans, Green, 1943.


Aphasia in Adults; the Rehabilitation of Persons With Loss or Disturbance of the Faculty of Speech Resulting in Brain Injury. Ann Arbor; University of Michigan, 1945.

The Child With a Cleft Palate. Ann Arbor; University of Michigan, 1943.

Speech Therapy with Children. Boston; Houghton, 1951.


The Rehabilitation of Speech. New York; Harper, 1947.



Teacher. Born– April 9, 1924, Anniston. Parents– Redding Lightfoot and Mary Billingsley (Gordon) Perkins. Married– William D. Bacon, January 5, 1943. Children– Three. Education– Judson College; Jacksonville State College, B.S., 1956. Taught in the Anniston Public Schools until 1959.  Died May 28, 1999.


Our Many Cousins.


Our Many Cousins. Anniston, Ala.; Author, 1979.

To the Glory of God. Anniston, Ala.; Church of St. Michael and All Angels, 197-.



University professor of American Studies. Born– July 31, 1942, Salt Lake City, Utah. Parents– Rodney Jenkins and Phyllis (Snow) Badger. Married– Lee Wilson, June 10, 1965. Children– Two. Education– U.S. Naval Academy, B.S, 1964; U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, 1968-1970; Syracuse University, M.S., 1974, Ph.D., 1975. Served in the U.S. Navy, 1964-1970; instructor in naval communications at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif., 1968-1970. Joined faculty of the University of Alabama in 1974; served as an associate professor of American Studies; director of the American Studies program; assistant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Member American Studies Association; American Historical Association; Southeastern American Studies Association.  Rockefeller Foundation grant, 1978-1980.


Contemporary Authors online.


The Great American Fair; the World’s Columbian Exposition and American Culture. Chicago; Nelson-Hall, 1979.

A Life in Ragtime: A Biography of James Reese Europe.  Oxford University Press, 1995.


Alabama and the Borderlands; from Prehistory to Statehood. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1985.



Public relations director; writer. Born– Augusta, Ga. Parents–Jack and Bessie Jane Taylor Dempsey. Education– University of Georgia, Mercer University, and Texas Christian University. Married– Rev. Dr. Bob Baggott. Children– Three. Public relations director of the Newnan, Ga. hospital, 1960-1972; lived in Opelika, 1972-1982. Worked as a freelance writer, public relations director, radio announcer, commercial writer, and school teacher.  Columnist and member of board of directors of The Alabama Baptist.


Betty Sue Baggott, Dothan, Ala.


From My Heart to Yours. Opelika, Ala.; Franklin’s Publications, 1975.



Educator; civil rights activist.  Born December 13, 1924, Marion.  Parents–Obadiah and Bernice McMurray Scott.  Married Arthur Bagley, June 5, 1954.  Children– one.  Education: Lincoln Normal School, Marion; Antioch College; Ohio State University, B.A.; Columbia University, M.A.; Boston University, M.F.A. in Theatre Arts, 1965.  Taught high school English in Talladega; taught at Albany State College, Norfolk State University, and North Carolina A. & M.;  Cheyney State University (PA.), 1971-1996.  Active in the Civil Rights Movement with her sister Coretta Scott King; a life member of the Board of Directors of the King Center from its founding in 1968.  Member AAUW, NAACP, National Council of Negro Women. Received the Walter F. Anderson Award for outstanding alumni from Antioch College, 2010.  Died June 11, 2011.




Desert Rose: The Life and Legacy of Coretta Scott King.  University of Alabama Press, 2012.



College president; historian; college professor. Born– July 2, 1921, Berry. Parents– Coleman C. and Susie J. (Jenkins) Bailey. Married– Ahleida Joan Seever, November 17, 1962. Children– Two. Education– Howard College, A.B., 1950; University of Alabama, M.A., 1951, Ph.D., 1954. Taught at Howard (which became Samford University in 1965), 1953-1970; served as Dean of Arts and Sciences of Samford, 1970-1975. Vice President for Academic Affairs at Francis Marion College, 1975-1978; president of Valdosta (Ga.) State College, 1978-2002. Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts;  American Council of Learned Societies fellow, 1965-1966; member of the American Academy of Science, Alabama Writers Conclave, Alabama Academy of Science; Pi Gamma Mu, and Lambda Chi Alpha. Awarded status of professor emeritus at Valdosta State on his retirement in 2002. Received the Award of Merit from the American Association for State and Local History, 1967.  Died October 5, 2012.


Marquis Who’s Who online; Who’s Who in Alabama, Vol. 2; Directory of American Scholars, 6th ed.; Leaders in Education, 5th ed.; Who’s Who in America, 1980.


Americanism vs. Communism. Northport, Ala.; American Southern Pub. Co., 1964.

Edgar Gardner Murphy; Gentle Progressive. Coral Gables, Fla.; University of Florida Press, 1968.

Hinton Rowan Helper; Abolitionist-Racist. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1968.

John William Walker. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1964.

Liberalism in the New South. Coral Gables, Fla.; University of Florida Press, 1969.


The library at Valdosta State College holds a collection of materials related to the presidency of Dr. Bailey and his wife Joan.



Biologist; University professor. Born– October 26, 1921, Baileyton. Parents– Noel R. and Lemma L. (Roberts) Bailey. Married– Eileen Garmon, October 1, 1944. Children– Three. Education– St. Bernard College; Jacksonville State University, B.S., 1942; Vanderbilt University, M.A., 1946, Ph.D., 1949.  U.S. Army Air Corps, WWII. Taught at Alabama College (now the University of Montevallo), 1947-1963; at Birmingham-Southern, 1963-1985: Chairman of the Biology Department, Chairman of the Division of Math and Science, Academic Dean, and Acting President. Conducted extensive research on lymphoma; published many articles in scientific journals. Member of the Alabama State Board of Examiners in Basic Sciences, American Association for Advancement of Science, Torrey Botanical Club, American Genetic Association, and Alabama Academy of Science.  Mayor of Baileyton, Cullman County, 1985-2008.  Awarded the honorary LL. D., by Birmingham Southern, 1993. Died February 27, 2009.


Who’s Who in Alabama, Vol. 2; Who’s Who in America, 1980; obituary, Birmingham News, March 1, 2009.


An Introduction to Modern Biology. Scranton, Pa.; International Textbook Co., 1969.


Laboratory Guide for an Introduction to Modern Biology. Scranton, Pa.; International Textbook Co., 1970.

Under Siege; Man, Men, and Earth. New York; Intext Educational Publishers, 1973.


A History of the Alabama Academy of Science. Auburn, Ala.; Alabama Academy of Science, 1963.



Journalist; novelist. Born– June 23, 1912, Dothan.   Parents; Whack Hill and Willie Baker Bailey.  Married–Louie Liddell Herzberg.  Children–two. Education–attended the University of Alabama and the University of Missouri.  Worked for newspapers in Dothan and in Marianna, Florida.  Worked for an insurance business.  Student of Hudson Strode at the University of Alabama; worked with Strode in the creation of his novel. Published under the pen name Douglas Fields Bailey.  Died November 2, 1987.


Alan T. Belsches, “Introduction” to Devil Make a Third.  Library of Alabama Classics Edition. Tuscaloosa:  University of Alabama Press, 1989.


Devil Make a Third.  New York:Dutton, 1948; reprinted Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1989.

BAKER, GLADYS, 1900-1957


Syndicated columnist; novelist. Born– about 1900, Jacksonville, FL.  Parents–  A. Herbert Baker and Johnnie Niblo Baker. Married– William H. Oates. Married– William H. Kettig, Jr. Married– Howard E. Coffin. Married– Roy Leonard Patrick. Beginning in 1918, worked for the Jacksonville Metropolis. In 1926 moved to Birmingham and became a feature writer for the Birmingham News. During much of the 1930’s wrote a weekly page of copy for the Birmingham News. Beginning about 1937 became syndicated foreign correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance. Wrote and published in newspapers two serial novels; “Sallie’s Temptations” and “Mr. and Mrs. Sallie.” Retired from newspaper work in 1942.


Files at Birmingham Public Library; Alabama Department of Archives and History; and from New York Times, December 18, 1957.


I Had to Know. New York; Appleton Century, 1951.

Our Hearts Are Restless. New York; Putnam, 1955.



College professor, public relations director. Parents– Bertsil B. and Bonnie M. (White) Baker. Married– Lula Mae Lawless, July 18, 1935. Education– Howard College. Taught at Howard College and Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Secretary to the head architect of TVA, contributing editor of a national magazine,  public relations director at Auburn University and at Florida State University, personnel interviewer for an industrial firm, and assistant to the president of the University of Richmond. Later worked at MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Ill.


Preface to Your Public Relations are Showing.


Sex Education in High Schools. New York; Emerson Books, 1942.

Your Public Relations Are Showing. New York; Twayne, 1958.

BAKER, OLA GRACE, 1908-2005


Teacher, counselor, genealogist. Born–July 19, 1908, Lamar County. Parents– Robert Lee and Ethel Cora (Clearman) Baker. Education– Attended Athens College; Birmingham Southern College, A.B., 1931; University of Alabama, M.A., 1947.  Taught in Jefferson County, 1928-1943; served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1946-1947; served the University of Alabama as counselor to women, assistant dean of women, foreign student advisor, and coordinator of counselling service, 1947 until her retirement in 1970. Received Algernon Sidney Sullivan Award, 1955. Member of Delta Kappa Gamma and conference chairperson of the Commission on Archives and History, member of bicentennial committees. Died July 26, 2005.


Letter from Ola Grace Baker dated September 28, 1983.


Flowers of the Field. Tuscaloosa, Ala.; s.n., 1974.



Pathologist. Born– April 10, 1902, East Lansing, Mich. Parents– Ray Stannard and Jessie Irene (Beal) Baker. Married– Eleanor Elizabeth Ussher, September 29, 1929. Children– Three. Education– University of Wisconsin, A.B., 1924; Harvard University, M.D., 1928; attended the University of Kiel and Tulane University. Worked at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine, Medical College of Alabama, Jefferson-Hillman Hospital, Durham V.A. Hospital, Louisiana State University at New Orleans, and Rutgers University Medical School. Member of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists. Died December 25, 1944.


Who’s Who in America, 1974-1975.


Essential Pathology. Baltimore; Williams & Wilkins, 1951.

The Pathologic Anatomy of Mycoses; Human Infection with Fungi, Actinomycetes, and Algae. New York; Springer-Verlag, 1971.

Postmortem Examination; Specific Methods and Procedures. Philadelphia; Saunders, 1967.



Economist; University professor. Born– December 9, 1925, Graz, Austria. Parents– Nicholas W. and Lucile (King) Baklanoff. Married– H. Christina Janes, May 1, 1956. Married– Joy Driskell. Children–three.  Education– Antioch College, 1943-1944; Ohio State University, B.A., 1949, M.A., 1950; Ph.D., 1958. Served in the U.S. Navy, 1944-1946; worked for Chase National Bank in Puerto Rico, 1950-1954; taught at Louisiana State University, 1958-1961 and 1965-1968; at Vanderbilt University, 1962-1965; and at the University of Alabama, 1969-1992; served as the Board of Visitors Research Professor of Economics at Alabama and as dean of international programs. Awarded Fulbright fellowship, Vanderbilt University fellowship, University of Alabama Research Committee fellowship and grants from Louisiana State University, Wenner-Gren Foundation, and the U. S. Department of State. Honors; Outstanding Scholarship award from the University of Alabama, 1980-1981. Awarded emeritus status on his retirement at Alabama, 1992.  Died June 24, 2014.


Contemporary Authors online; obituary, The Tuscaloosa News.


Copper in Chile: The Expropriation of a Partially Nationalized Industry.  Austin:  University of Texas Press, 1983.

The Economic Transformation of Spain and Portugal. New York; Praeger, 1978.

Expropriation of U. S. Investments in Cuba, Mexico, and Chile. New York; Praeger, 1975.

Spain’s Emergence as a Middle Industrial Power. Washington, D.C.; American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1985.


Agrarian Reform and Public Enterprise in Mexico. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1987.


Mediterranean Europe and the Common Market. University, Ala.; University of Alabama Press, 1975.


New Perspectives of Brazil. Nashville; Vanderbilt University Press, 1966.

The Shaping of Modern Brazil. Baton Rouge, La.; Louisiana State University Press, 1969.

BALDWIN, ALEX (Pseudonym)


Butterworth, William Edward, III



Mathematician; university professor. Born– August 16, 1923, Streator, Ill. Education– University of Illinois, B.A., 1944, M.A., 1945, Ph.D. in mathematics, 1948. Taught mathematics at the University of Washington, 1948-1954; Auburn University  1954-1988. Member of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America. Died January 30, 1997.


American Men and Women of Science–Physical and Biological. 14th ed.


Introduction to Modern Algebra and Matrix Theory. New York; Rinehart, 1954.

Principles of Abstract Algebra. New York; Holt, 1963.



Clergyman; historian; teacher.  Born– February 16, 1826, Agawam, Mass. Parents– Hervey and Jane Ayrault (Horton) Ball. Married– Martha Caroline Creighton, April 19, 1855. Children– Two. Education– Franklin College in Indiana, A.B., 1850, A.M., 1853. Taught at Franklin Springs, Ala. in 1851 and began preaching there a short time later. Most of his life was spent in Clarke County, Ala. Died November 8, 1913.


Dictionary of Alabama Biography.


Annie B., the Dying Girl. Crown Point, Ind.; s.n., 1893.

A Dream of Hell, by an Orthodox Dreamer. Crown Point, Ind.; The Register Office, 1886.

Encyclopedia of Genealogy of Lake County, Indiana, with a Compendium of History, 1834-1904; a Record of the Achievements of its People in the Making of a Commonwealth. Chicago; Lewis Pub. Co., 1904.

Francis Ball’s Descendants. Crown Point, Ind.; J. J. Wheeler, 1902.

Genealogical Record of the Dinwiddie Clan of Northwestern Indiana. Crown Point, Ind.; J. J. Wheeler, 1902.

A Glance into the Great South-east; or, Clarke County, Alabama, and its Surroundings, from 1540 to 1877. Grove Hill, Ala.; Knight and Leonard, 1882.

The Home of the Redeemed and Other Discourses. Crown Point, Ind.; Register Printers, 1898.

Inspired Scriptures. Crown Point, Ind.; J. J. Wheeler, 1903.

Lake County, Indiana, 1884; an Account of the Semicentennial Celebration. Crown Point, Ind.; Lake County Star Office, 1884.

Lake County, Indiana, from 1837 to 1872. Chicago; J. Goodspeed, 1873.

The Lake of the Red Cedars; or, Will It Live? Thirty Years in Lake County. Crown Point, Ind.; J. H. Ball, 1889.

A Land in the Great South-east; or, Clarke County, Alabama, and its Surroundings, from 1540 to 1877. Grove Hill, Ala.; Knight and Leonard, 1882.

Mount Vernon, Alabama. Washington, D.C.; Southern History Association, 1898.

Northwestern Indiana from 1800 to 1900; or, a View of Our Region Through the Nineteenth Century. Crown Point, Ind.; Register Printers, 1898.

Notes on Luke’s Gospel. Crown Point, Ind.; Donahue & Henneberry, 1889.

Old Truth in a New Setting. Crown Point, Ind.; J. J. Wheeler, 1906.

Poems and Hymns. Crown Point, Ind.; Register Office, 1888.


The Creek War of 1813 and 1814. Montgomery, Ala.; White Woodruff & Fowler, 1895.



Born–December 28,  1921, Florence, Ala. Parents–William and Mittie Ballard. Lived early part of life in Alabama, Tennessee, and Virginia. During WWII, he served four years in the Air Corps as a radar observer;  served in the Strategic Air Command during the Korean Conflict. Education– University of Virginia and St. John’s College in Annapolis. Lived in Virginia and in Atlanta, Ga. Died October 1, 1990.


Bert Hitchcock;


But a Little Moment. New York; E.P. Dutton, 1950.

The Long Way Through. Boston; Houghton, Mifflin, 1959.

Rolling All the Time; Stories. Urbana; University of Illinois Press, 1976.



Poet. Born Birmingham. Parents– Judge William C. Barber and Frances Barber.  Married– Joseph Bancroft. Children– Three. Education– Howard College (now Samford University). Served as a poet-in-residence in several school systems of the state including Fort Payne and Montgomery. Member of the National League of American Pen Women; the Women’s Committee of 100 for Birmingham; the Alabama State Poetry Society; and the Bluff Park Art Association.  Received the Printing Industries of American Award of Excellence in Printing and design for Wild Honeysuckle;  received the Alabama Historical Association Award of Merit.


Files at Alabama Public Library Service; Pelican Press website.


Belongings; a Retrospective Journal of the South. Natchitoches, La.; Northwestern State University Press, 1980. Green Again. Gretna, La.; Pelican Pub. Co., 1971.

Green Again.  Pelican Press, 2012.

Heir’s Song. Birmingham, Ala.; Heirship Press, 1976.

Wild Honeysuckle. Gretna, La.; Pelican Press, 1966.

Papers; A collection of the papers of Betsy Barber Bancroft is held by the Eugene P. Watson Memorial Library at Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, Louisiana.



Teacher. Born–January 20, 1891,  Florence. Parents–Morris and Lena Jacob Coplan. Married–Chester G Bandman, December 25, 1917. Children–two.  Education– Florence State Normal College; postgraduate studies in Germany.  Taught in Birmingham. Lived in Birmingham and in Pittsburgh, PA. Died July 10, 1971.

Source: Files at Alabama Public Library Service.


Flowers and Festivals of the Jewish Year. New York; Hearthside Press, 1964.

BANDY, WAY, 1941-1986


Beauty consultant; makeup artist. Born– August 9, 1941, Birmingham (name at birth–Ronald Duane Wright).  Education– Birmingham-Southern; Tennessee Technological University; Christine Valmy Beauty School. Taught American and English Literature in the public schools of Tennessee and Maryland for four years in the early 60’s; in 1967, moved to New York and worked until 1971 as salon and makeup director for Lanvin-Charles of the Ritz. After 1972, freelance face designer for fashion magazines and for cosmetic advertising in television commercials, films and the theater. Became one of the most sought-after beauty consultants, having as some of his clients Nancy Reagan, Madonna, Catherine Deneuve and Elizabeth Taylor. Worked with well-known photographers to produce magazine articles and picture spreads.  Died August 13, 1986.


Designing Your Face; Time, August 25, 1986; obituary, NYTimes, August 1986.


Designing Your Face. New York; Random, 1977.

Styling Your Face. New York; Random, 1981.



Park director. Born– February 14, 1948, Summerville, Ga. Parents– Paul K. and Virginia (Abrams) Banister. Married– Trudy Hagan, August 20, 1971. Children– One. Education– University of Alabama, B.S., 1972. Worked as an auditor for Consultant Services Company of Salisbury, N.C.; recreation director at Camilla, Ga.; park and recreation director at Geneva, Ala.; federal grant administrator, Elmore County. Member of the National Park and Recreation Association, Alabama Park and Recreation Society, and Geneva County Development Committee.


Contemporary Authors online


My War With God. Grand Rapids, Mich.; Zondervan, 1973.



Actress. Born– January 31, 1902, Huntsville. Parents– William Brockman and Adelaide Eugenia (Sledge) Bankhead. Married– John Emery, August 31, 1937, divorced June 13, 1941. Education– Convent of the Sacred Heart in Manhattanville, NY. Abandoned school to attempt an acting career. Had a few minor roles in New York, then was invited to appear on the London stage. Went to London in 1923 and became a sensation as an actress with an enormous following; became a role model for the rebellious young generation. Appeared onstage in “Reflected Glory,” “Dark Victory,” “Forsaking All Others,” “The Little Foxes,” and “Skin of Our Teeth.”  Acted in some 300 stage, film, television, and radio roles. Honors; New York Film Critics Award for her appearance in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Lifeboat,” 1944; American Theater Hall of Fame, 1972; Alabama Women’s Hall of Fame, 1981. Died December 12, 1968.


Notable American Women, the Modern Period.


Tallulah; My Autobiography. New York; Harper, 1952.



Genealogist; historian. Born– June 11, 1926, Birmingham. Parents– Fred Lewis and Gladys Scott (Sims) Davis. Married– Richard Neal Hahn, 1950 (divorced 1973). Children– Three. Married– Carr Byron Barefield, 1983. Married Frederick Mitchell Jackson, December 10, 1993. . Education– Attended Huntingdon College for two years. Worked for Vulcan Materials Company, 1945-1950; Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, 1972-1981; executive secretary of the Birmingham Historical Society after 1982; served as secretary, vice-president and president of the Alabama Historical Commission. Honors; Alabama Historical Commission, Award of Merit, 1978. Died October 1, 2005.


Marilyn Barefield, Birmingham, Ala.; Obituary,


Alabama Mortality Schedule, 1950. Easley, S.C.; Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1983.

Clarke County, Alabama Records, 1814-1885. Easley, S.C.; Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1983.

Historical Records of Randolph County, Alabama, 1832-1900. Easley, S.C.; Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1985.

Old Cahaba Land Office Records and Military Warrants, 1817-1853. Mobile, Ala.; Old South Printing and Publishing Co., 1981.

Old Huntsville Land Office Records and Military Warrants, 1810-1854. Easley, S.C.; Southern Historical Press, Inc. 1985.

Old Montgomery Land Office Records and Military Warrants, 1834-1869. Birmingham, Ala.; Southern University Press, 1991.

Old St. Stephen’s Land Office Records & American State Papers, Public Lands. Easley, S.C.; Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1983.

Old Sparta and Elba Land Office Records and Military Warrants, 1822-1860. Easley, S.C.; Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1983.

Old Tuskaloosa Land Office Records and Military Warrants, 1821-1855. Easley, S.C.; Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1984.


Pickens County, Alabama, 1841-1861. Easley, S.C.; Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1984.


Butler County, Alabama, Obituaries–from Alabama Christian Advocate, Greenville Advocate. Easley, S.C.; Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1985.

Butler County in the Nineteenth Century. Birmingham, Ala.; Privately Published, 1978.

Cemeteries of Jefferson County, Alabama. Birmingham, Ala.; Birmingham Genealogical Society and Birmingham Public Library, 1982-.

Map Reproductions; a New Map of Alabama with its Roads and Distances From Place to Place, Along the Stage and Steam Boat Routes. Easley, S.C.; Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1985.

Railroad and County Map of Alabama. Easley, S.C.; Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1984.



University professor of communications. Born– November 22, 1941, Wilmington, Ohio. Parents– Milford and Ruth Maxine Barker. Married– 1961. Children– Two. Education– University of Ohio, A.B., 1962, M.A., 1963, Ph.D., 1965. Taught at Southern Illinois University, 1965-1966; Purdue University, 1966-1969; Florida State University, 1969-1976; Auburn University, 1976-1995. President Spectra Inc., 1979-2000. Awarded emeritus status on his retirement at Auburn.


Contemporary Authors online; Directory of American Scholars, 1981.


Communication. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice-Hall, 1982.

Communication Vibrations. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice-Hall, 1974.

Introduction to Listening; a Programmed Approach. New Orleans, La.; Spectra, 1988.

Listening Behavior. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice-Hall, 1971.

Listening Skills; Objectives and Criterion Reference Exercises. New Orleans, La.; Spectra, 1988.


Behavioral Objectives and Instruction. Boston; Allyn and Bacon, 1970.

Effective Listening; Key to Your Success. Reading, Mass.; Addison-Wesley, 1983.

Groups in Process; an Introduction to Small Group Communication. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice-Hall, 1979.

Measurement of Communication Behavior. White Plains, N.Y.; Longman, 1989.

Nonverbal Communication. San Francisco; Chandler, 1967.

Speech–Interpersonal Communication. San Francisco; Chandler, 1967.


Communication in the Classroom; Original Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice-Hall, 1982.


Conceptual Frontiers in Speech-Communication; Report (of the New Orleans Conference on Research and Instructional Development). New York; Speech Association of America, 1969.

Speech Communication Behavior; Perspectives and Principles. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice-Hall, 1971.



Professor  of physiology and biology;  university administrator. Born– March 3, 1912, Montclair, N.J. Parents– Harry and Marion (Booth) Barker. Married– Justine Rogers, July 31, 1934. Education– University of Vermont, B.S., 1932; Yale University, 1932-1934; Cornell University, Ph.D., 1936. College of Medicine of the University of Tennessee, medicine fellow, 1936-1941, instructor in physiology, 1941-1944; taught at the University of Iowa, 1944-1953; University of Vermont, 1962-1965; University of Alabama in Birmingham, 1952-1990; Dean of the Graduate School at UAB, 1970-1978.   Life member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; member of many other professional organizations. Awarded status of Dean Emeritus on his retirement at UAB, 1990. Honorary Sc. D., University of Alabama, 1979; Sc. D., University of Vermont, 1984. Died September 3. 2002.


Marquis who’s who online


Basic Endocrinology for Students of Biology and Medicine. Philadelphia; F. A. Davis Publishing Co., 1962.

A History of the Alabama Academy of Science. Auburn, Ala.; Alabama Academy of Science, 1963.



Chemist; University professor. Born– September 30, 1901, Fernbank. Married– 1937. Children– One. Education– University of Alabama, B.S., 1922; M.S., 1930; Columbia University, M.A., 1931, Ph.D., 1934. Served in US Army, Quartermaster Corps, WWII.Employed as chemical engineer for the U. S. Bureau of Mines in Alabama, 1922-1927; staff geologist for the Alabama State Geological Survey, 1927-1930; research chemist for Carleton Ellis Laboratory, 1935-1937; National Lead Company, 1937-1942; associate professor of chemistry at Auburn University 1946-56. Died November 19, 1987.


American Men and Women of Science, 12th ed.


Cation and Anion Identification. S.l.; s.n., 1963.

Development of the Christian Faith.  Auburn:  Luxapillila, 1981.

Doctor Bill. Auburn, Ala.; Barksdale Books, 1976.

General Chemistry for Colleges. New York; Longman, 1950.

General Chemistry for Laboratories.  New York:  Longmans, 1951.

Let’s Stop Inflation Now. Auburn, Ala.; s.n., 1979.

Let’s Write That Book. Auburn, Ala.; Author, 1970.

Lignite in Alabama. University, Ala.; Geological Survey of Alabama, 1929.

Ochers of Alabama. University, Ala.; Geological Survey of Alabama, 1930.

Possible Salt Deposits in the Vicinity of the Jackson Fault, Alabama. University, Ala.; Geological Survey of Alabama, 1929.

Qualitative Analysis.  Auburn, 1952.

Qualitative Analysis and ionic equilibria.  Auburn, 1963.

Religion around the World. Auburn:  Luxapillila, 1981.

Semimicro qualitative analysis.  N.P., 1952.

Statistics of the Mineral Production of Alabama, 1926-1928.  University of Alabama.

A Study of religion. Auburn, AL:  Luxapallila Press, 1981.

Thermodynamic properties of dilute thallous chloride solutions.  New York, 1933.

Titanium; Its Occurence, Chemistry, and Technology. New York; Ronald Press, 1949; 1966.


The Ralph Brown Draughon Library at Auburn University holds a collection of the papers of Jelks Barksdale.